Friday, October 11, 2013

Special Ed. Teachers need Bonus Days OFF !!!

       Everyone, please understand this. Our schools have become more and more like personal care settings in many ways. I have watched over the years generations of kids in trouble or at risk as it's now called, end up going to alternative education schools. These are usually kids who just think it's okay to do what they want to do without any regard for anyone else. They come from all kinds of homes which makes it difficult to pinpoint the whys. Why is this kid acting like he's owed all of the special treatment? In my opinion, it's due to societal changes, such as two parents working, no more spankings, electronics and entitlements. In addition to all of that is the blame game.
      Kids blame others for what they have done because they hear adults do the same, so the thought pattern is learned. Finally kids don't get out often enough to play, parks, zoos, gyms,throw a ball around, climb trees and interact with their own parents.

      NOW MY BIGGIE and maybe I should have started this way and sorry for that. I easily get off track.
     Lets talk a little about children who need SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES. Those are children who have a wide range of mental heath issues as well as mental health combined with mental retardation and in some situations physical limitations.
      Here is what Special Ed . Teachers put up with every school day from many of these children of all ages. We'll start with personal care issues: Body Odor, hygiene such as not brushing teeth, clean hands, rather unclean, same dirty clothes which smell-and that usually happens because the child's issues are so deep mentally it's too hard for mom and dad to argue with every single morning, so the teacher gets to put up with it.
     Education : Homework, Writing down the assignment itself or not doing that, forgetting an agenda, forgetting books, papers, refusing to do it, stating I forgot all the time, simply stating I don't have to, stating because I want to, throwing items in class, kids who cry, have bathroom accidents, outbursts on any given day at any time which disrupts kids who are trying so hard to do what's needed, kids who  individually learn on different levels-all in one classroom.
     Putting it all together : Meetings to start with, during and on going, e-mails to parents, phone calls to make schedules work and the paperwork? Many children have an Individualized Education Plan, but while that sounds simple, it take a few teachers and more to put it all together. Sometimes it involves the school psychologist and other emotional support professionals. Then another meeting when that child decides to erupt again. Questions such as , what can we do to improve things for this child. Is another eval needed? They do what it takes to make kids feel as average as possible.
     These Special Ed teachers put up with a lot more than an average teacher and this is not to take away from them, but why do you think we don't have more Special Ed teachers? Because it's not made for everyone and as people are deciding careers and think they want to work in Special education, well first they have to do internships. Then they find out,-uh oh. Maybe I'll stick to traditional teaching.
      In my opinion Special Ed teachers should all have bonus days off and be paid for such. I personally know two such people and I'm sure there are many more who care as deeply. A bonus day happens when it is repeatedly shown that this is a successful teacher and who decides that? I think the school with inputs from parents. If the school refuses, with proof, parents can over ride. I guess I am partial to this because I have seen different operating systems in different schools. I know I may not be right in the how to's, but BONUS DAYS for those great teacher should happen at least once a month.

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