Saturday, October 26, 2013

Snoringcat on a look

       The past month I've come to know a bit about the young woman who has a shop on
        Her name is Ann Marie and we chatted back and forth a  few times about each others likes and dislikes. It felt as if I had along distance pen pal. I won't tell you about Ann Marie as that would be up to her, but she is a mom and trying her best to just make a little extra. She doesn't ask for anything above what something may be worth.
      This is a small shop and I ordered the package of a thousand butterflies with a specific craft in mind for kids. At first I thought to do a painting and insert butterflies all over tree tops, in trees, around bushes and more. But I also thought to donate half to a local school as they are so unique. Again I held onto them and brought them to a visit today to see a little boy.
       He loved them, so excited by the colors, all different, some plain, some zany prints, and some black, gold, silver, red, blue and other solid colors. We used construction paper and also used plain card with a Matt border. We glued the border to the card first and let it dry. On the border itself we wrote names of people we loved and who cared about us. You can also do places. It's endless.
       Then we layered them with bits of glue all around the inside until it was built up looking like flying butterflies. There were two boys and myself with other kids popping in and out wondering what we were doing. At the end when it was time to leave, I was asked to get more butterflies. I ordered tonight but also ordered guitar picks. This is just so unique, that kids love it.
     It takes care of  a few things: An easy craft to do, a creative craft, a sweet gift to give to someone, kids love it and it shows little ones a new way to use and recycle paper and cardboard.

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