Thursday, October 3, 2013

SVU-Paula Deen ? I saw it as....

       I love SVU and saw last nights' episode, but didn't get out of it as many others did. I think it looked like they emphasized the case of Travon Martin more than anything. Yes, there was definitely many traces of prejudice and discrimination throughout, as with many people, but the players in this TV drama continued with the theme of, she had to protect herself so she killed him.
      After thinking about this off and on today because any time you open up your PC screen there it is: SVU and Paula Deen. But at the end of the show in a scene, the parents made a TV statement as did Trayvon Martin's parents, wanting to end the violence.
     It seems to me the media continues to hold grudges against Paula Deen. You would be surprised at those who are deeply bigoted. You just don't have witnesses, even those who spout all of the things unfair in color and race and sexuality. Try sitting quietly more often than not and really listen.
     One thing you will hear each and every time, I'm not prejudiced but...

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