Friday, October 25, 2013

What Causes Autism ?

          Kids who are diagnosed with Autism are considered to be on a certain spectrum, such as Aspergers or PDD and more. But what we don't know is a cause and that's not unusual as we don't know what causes many disorders and illnesses. So what can we do to prevent as much as possible and what can we do once a diagnosis is made?
        First lets looks at the futures of kids with Autism. Each and every one is different. It depends on a variety of thing. What kind of parents do they have, levels of patience, stay at home mom or dad, insurance and supports. Supports such as family, doctors, therapies, education, outside social interaction and play. Play is so important.
      Pre -Plan your pregnancy-take care not to smoke and drink alcohol as well as eating natural as much as you can, plant based foods. It all helps in having healthy babies and we know too, many moms do this and still have a child with birth defects and other illnesses. Check our neighborhood well to see if you are near an old dump site, a water treatment center, anything even close to that. New Jersey has sold homes without revealing what surrounds them only to have people become ill, because of a smell that is making sure people do not open windows and are getting sick. There isn't any law that tells the new home buyer it has to be revealed.
      Planning a future for a child with Autism. Have structure and a regimen that you know or feel you know you can stick with from as early an age as possible.
Take care of yourself if you are planning. Buy toys that are sensitive to touch. Play calming music. Do not start with electronics-this is my opinion. As much as you can live a normal life from day one.
    Investigate your school supports systems. Here we have what is called The Amazing Kids Club-and it is amazing and they also have FOAK=Friends of Amazing Kids which are families who stick together throughout all kinds of traumas and dramas, needs, babysitting, and so much help you wouldn't believe :)
    Use family, friends and church friends as well.  Introduce them from the start so they will never be seen as strangers to a child with autism.
    Food. Food Food
     Sleep, Sleep Sleep both are so important for the whole family. Eat as natural as possible, no food colors, no preservatives. The best medicine is Farm Grown and on the table. Shop outside isles more than inside. Use diapers not pampers if you can. Give baby rub downs, lots of love, touchy hugs, continued so they will expect it and not be afraid of it.
   DANCE. Put music on and dance so again-they are used to it, happy sounds !
   You have to plan now for later. If you wait, so will your child. This is all partly my opinion and partly my experiences. As an added note-God Bless all of those Special education teachers.

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