Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Retention for Judge Max Baer ? Sexual offender case

   OH this is freaking huge. I don't understand the retention thing except is appear judge Baer wants to stay on in his 199.000 year career.
   Listening to him and his causes made me think-this guy should stay, but then I checked him out. He has to go and here's why. First look him up yourself and decide once you read how he determined a sexual offender foster father. WTF !
    How did that person ever pass a background check to be involved in foster care in the first place. FIRE ALL INVOLVED !
   The child in the home was already molested before in a previous foster home and at the time the case came in front of Max Baer-not the actor(yet maybe) before anyone else decided to remove the child BAER decided it was in the best interest of the child to remain where she was-with a pedophile who committed sodomy on a child. WTF ? Why wasn't he fired then ?
   We wonder why so many kids rage and that's not to excuse those who really bring things on themselves, but cases like this...I hope someone teaches that kid about lawyers.

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