Monday, October 21, 2013

Jesse Ruggee, Freed, KILLER of 15 yr. Old Nicholas Markowitz

       Chino Prison just released and not approved by Governor Brown. What, no power. Jesse Ruggee Killed fifteen year old Nicholas, taking him a hostage as his drug dealing brother was, it appears to be taught a lesson. They took Nicholas, duct taped him, shot and killed and dumped his body in a ravine. Two others were involved. I don't have all of their information.

     Chino Prison board of parole let a killer go. That person is engaged. That person Jesse Ruggee is a killer and engaged. So is that woman crazy or one of those groupies who follow murderers? Jesse Ruggee may kill her too. Jesse Ruggee may now have a life, children, a future, watch his own kids grow up, graduate, have kid and grand kids. Jesse Ruggee has now lived twice as long as Nicholas Markowitz. His mother Susan now without her son has to worry about a killer. What is Chino Prison doing?
     IS this about overcrowding or is someone on the parole board getting paid? This is what California needs, another KILLER on the loose, Jesse Ruggee.
Chino prison should think before they let a killer out. Hey Parole Board ! What if this was your child?

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