Monday, October 21, 2013

Collect Calls in Heaven ?

       Wouldn't that be great ? Imagine getting a collect call from someone you know who made it ? Made it to heaven that is...not Hell.  But maybe we do, and just don't realize it. In our every day actions, choices, walks of life, how we handle money and people, what we prioritize could be those collect calls as in our conscience.
        Then what about the dreams we have ? Some are so freakin' real, we just have to know a message is being sent, but by whom ? Is it God ? To be honest here, I just heard that expression on TV-Dog The Bounty Hunter. Yeah, I watch it sometimes, but cable is going. I haven't seen anything on cable that attracts me to keep it other than distract me from LIVING!
     I'd rather work on my web site and continue to make more things that people like. Animal neck wear coming soon.

   Now the next time you do get a collect call...answer it. You never know

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