Friday, October 4, 2013

Why Didn't They Just Shoot Her Tires Out First?

          Listening to the news this morning concerning the young woman who tried to crash through and did hit barricades at the white house, WHY DIDN'T THEY SHOOT HER TIRES FIRST TO STOP THE CAR ?

         I realize the thinking is there may have been a bomb in the car;  yeah shoot at the car and make it go off sooner possibly hitting it, yeah that's smart.  This young woman was as everyone probably knows so far a dental hygienist who was fired because she felt entitled to more and more at her place of employment after she received a handicapped parking placard. That came from a head injury/fall she had at her place of employment, followed up by a  hospital visit where she learned she was pregnant.

      Either way the car had to be stopped by blind shooting by at least seven police? I am not defending the woman or protecting the decision the police made. There are just too many killings it appears without thought. Honestly I don't know as I'm not there, but why not maim and do it good so they never forget. Yet another side to that is, and I know as I write, we as taxpayers end up supporting these people for life-in prison. Kind of like welfare
    So now there is a one year old baby girl alone without mom to grow up with and what stories will she be told and who will she become because of those stories? If her grandmother ends up as taking care of her, grandma gets social security death benefits for the baby. So is the baby financially and emotionally now better off ?
     Obviously this woman had something happen that made her do what she did, but as a mother she committed a very selfish act. If she wanted to die why put her daughter, a baby, in harms way ? As I end this it gave me time to rethink it. She was a selfish woman, maybe sick and desperate, but she took her baby along...
     Hopefully things will be different for her child.

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