Monday, October 21, 2013

RSD ? You really Can't Imagine Unless..

    I am about to go out and as I'm getting ready, with the TV on, The Doctors show is announcing RSD and showing a young woman whose foot has ballooned four times its' size. She had an injury. Someone stepped backwards on her foot and  a few days later that small injury showed an infestation of infection of some kind.
    She wasn't about to know what it was exactly until it diagnosed. This foot and leg were red, purple, pink and looks like her skin will explode at any moment. Her pain is somewhat handled by a pump tube in her stomach, giving her what she needs, yet doesn't help very much.
     We can imagine pain when we see it, such as with this young woman who has RSD. But what about what we can't see ? Just think about that. Right now it was presented to this woman by a Military doctor that they see this in people who are wounded, RSD is fairly common as wounds that don't heal, like Kathy's on the Doctors, The answer is a series of using a hyperbolic ( baric ?) chamber, a psychologist, FOOD, Food, FOOD and PRAYER ! It isn't a complete cure, but sometimes it is for many things.
     One thing was noticed in Kathy interview. She ate a lot of processed foods throughout the day which has a load of salt, causing water/fluid retention. Holistic approaches is a way to go and use what we know and have available to us. Faith, Hope, knowledge, medical knowledge and support systems. Put them all together and they spell Peace.
     A last note about Food. Jsut my won experience . About a year and a half ago, I went plant based, still had meats, but not as often. My whole life felt better. The swelling in my feet went down as I was a big carb eater,  frozen pizza's and all that water retention foods, but changing my eating habits, changed me without realizing what was happening. Give it a try :)

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