Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Healthcare dot Shove

    I just looked at the face page of Obama's Health Care insurance and what pops out at me is the piece that states MEETS YOUR NEEDS AND FITS YOUR BUDGET.
    Someone close to me states that in a, ha ha sarcastic way that, oh yeah it's bad Obama wants health care for everyone. That an opinion that that person sees as fact and due to the fact that a close friend was positively affected by it. But to fit whose budget? I know people who have had their hours cut so the employer no longer pays health care, so now with less hours how the hell do they earn enough to live and pay rent, groceries, medicine, clothes and dental and auto, ins. maintenance, gas and whatever else comes along.
     I do think we should all have health care. Listening to the O'reilly factor last night, O'Reilly states we are taking from people who have more to give those who have less to make health care equal across the board. Between his mouth and his guests, I turned it off. We all have opinions and I have to think about Norway at this time. Norway?
     Yes. Years ago my mother couldn't afford dental. She went to Norway, paid by other family in Norway but while there she ends up going to a dentist and coming home with a beautiful smile. Yes, she was also still a Norwegian citizen too.
     So now either pay what you can't afford, get fined when you don't pay, or go on welfare which is why people work so hard-to avoid welfare, to stop family cycles and not to join those who love and take advantage of being on welfare.
 Good Luck AMERICANS !!!

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