Thursday, October 10, 2013


"We Americans are so tired of being thought of as dumb asses by the rest of the world that we went to the polls this past November and removed all doubt."
He, Clint Eastwood , also stated something in reference about, a pen in the hand of Obama is worse than 200 million Americans with guns. Those with legal guns that is.
      I read that truckers were supposed to get together and clog up Washington- hasn't happened yet. PLEASE DO SO !!!
     If anyone and everyone can have marches, why not Truckers and all of the people who are being affected by the JERK-offs in Washington
    There are many who Praise OBAMA don't cares plan, but middle AMERICA, those who make barely enough to live on, now have to buy their own medical insurance and are told to apply for welfare medical because  now due to OBAMA Don't Care many companies have dropped insurance, dropped hours and workers have to buy ins. SO people who have pride in working, are now told to go to welfare for insurance !!!

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