Monday, September 30, 2013

Juries vs. Congress

    Is one more important or is it the reason? If a person's life is at stake, the legal system expects an answer sooner than last minute as is going on now with our government. If the jury doesn't have an answer most times they are sent back until an answer is agreed on and or locked in hotels rooms, no contact, no newspaper, no phone calls, nothing to do with the outside.
      Sure you think or we think the same thing is happening in congress. BUT look at how long our government has had to fix this ! They don't get locked in a room, sent back to deliberate without contacts, phone calls etc. WHY NOT ?

     Maybe we just tell them that should you not reach an agreement thirty days before it's due, then you senators, congressmen/women, speaker of the house and Obama go not only without pay, but any and all benefits you so greedily accept that you give yourself but deny the country.  REMEMBER ELECTION DAY !

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