Saturday, September 21, 2013

The First Snow...

      Just September? No, it almost time for snow. We know it will be here and most of us won't be ready. That's how I like it, like a child, unexpected and a wonder, all new, fresh and glistening. You know what I mean. When you look out the window and the new snow lays fresh and without people, it sparkles like ever so small diamonds.
       I have a long driveway, not that long but I wait until it stops snowing, and I wait. I don't want to shovel it, not because of laziness or a bad back, but I love to look at it and I love to see kids slide down by foot or sled or trash can cover. I have two huge and overgrown Norwegian Spruce trees on both sides of my driveway. Thers' nothing prettier than looking at the snow as it settles on the pines.
    Well yes, there is. A child, a child as he or she anxiously runs outside, rolls in snow, face becomes flushed pink and big winter smiles. You know the kind. It's too cold to smile but what else can you do when you're that happy to be in the snow. I can't wait !
      One last thing, just because you're an adult you don't have to be a grown-up when it snows. Really look at the kids and remember what it was like, and go for it. Dig in and go for it, with a smile.

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