Monday, September 10, 2012

Think You know Kool? The Cool Factor is....

       Sure you think you know, and so do I, but do we? What makes the kool factor, really kool? Is it age, clothes, skin, hair, nails, who you hang with, what you watch, who you watch, how you watch or is it just you being kool. Pretending that nothing bothers you when so many things bother you, and trying to be in with a certain crowd? have good or poor grades? TELL ME PLEASE !!!
      I know kool when I see it, but that's my version, my age and how I think, but lets take a kid about sixteen. This is where life gets so difficult at times, trying to keep up with the other well known kool-ites. Does this sixteen year old have all the gadgets, electronics, money, fashion, friends,a car, allowed to go out with an extra long curfew. That's not Kool! That means mommy and daddy are too busy to notice, gave up, want to be in their own kool circles.
       We all, well most of us look at cars, and say, wow, so kool man. or sweet, but no one says, I wonder how many payments have to be made. We look at a new do and tell a person , wow, kool, looks great, then wonder, how much did that set him or her back. Then Birthdays and Christmas presents come. Kids admire what other kids get and say "kool", to each other while mom and dad wonder how they'll pay the bills because they too want their kids to feel included and feel as if they're kool, so now the parents become cool. Friends tell other friends, wow man, your dad is really kool to let you have that, or let you stay out so late. No your dad is dumb. His time to be kool and popular with kids is over with and now it's your turn.
        This is kool. Parents and whom ever may read this, yes you want and your kids want, not need, the most expensive clothes and sneakers to be kool. What is cool is a meeting of the minds, truth, and graduation;on time graduation. You shouldn't use a weeks pay to buy the best brand name sneakers, the name brand Jersey or a particular brand of clothes. If you could change your parenting all over again, how would you do it? Now, do it. It isn't too late. How many kids with Drug and alcohol issues are cool? Is yours' one of them? Just remember this, how many wanna be cool people are in jail? Let your child love him or herself, and you love them for the person they are inside, not who they pretend to be. One last thing to remember...when your child was born, who do you remember thinking they would be when they grew up? Not so kool now is it?

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