Monday, September 3, 2012

Who should pay more in taxes?

     Yes, such a touchy subject and there are a few ways to look at it. Thank goodness I'm not running for anything, or from anything.
    1. Do we tax the poor as much as anyone else?
    2. Do we tax the wealthy because they can afford it ?
    3. Then there's the middle class, what ever that do we find a dividing line and tax them accordingly?

   1.   First the poor are already poor so why tax them at all? Taxing them only makes it harder, then they have to get food stamps, help from other state and county resources, so they get it all back from the government anyway. So why not simplify it by not taxing them, yet also no free handouts, unless and it has to be on an individual basis, so unless a job is lost, health issues arise and how ever they need to ask, have to have proof of such issues.
    2.  The wealthy are already so wealthy, it's very possible they don't even feel a huge sum being taxed, yet they try to hide it in tax shelters, overseas accounts, gifts by the end of a year and more I'm sure. So what do we do? The government should offer specific tax shelters of a sort. I don't believe the wealthy should pay more because they have earned it so they get penalized because they knew how to make money or a family member gave them an inheritance? Don't get mad, find an answer. This is only my opinion. SPECIFIC TAX SHELTERS and maybe that's not the correct working.  But have the wealthy/rich donate to the poor as far as food banks, heating resources, home repairs, yes the poor do have homes, offer a work program, build business to assist the poor in getting a keeping a job.
     Many welfare receiptients  are on welfare because their parents were and that is the worse case of recycling I ever heard of.  The government can come up with a scale on reducing taxes as every rich person or company donates to improve the countries poor, not give out money, but create businesses, pay for college for a mom or dad or both. My way keeps the money here in the United States.
         Kids today get grants and loans, have for years, yet they too fall into a place of parents making just a little over a line to get those grants and loans. That stuff is measured by how much a parent earns until a young adult reaches the age of twenty-four, unless he or she can prove they are independent of parents.
      3. The middle Class...again who are the middle class? If I don't know that how do I answer? I think they get penalized more than anyone and end up being the working poor, barely making it, scraping by, losing the homes they worked so hard for, selling possessions and it seems endless. We rally have to be responsible for changes in our country and that comes to votes, and every two years you can change how you voted when your representative isn't doing what they promised to do. Have a nice Labor probably earned it!

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