Thursday, September 6, 2012

Can we become better Voters and how..what a mess

      Too many don't vote and yeah, ya heard that before so what do we do to improve the how's and whys of who we do vote for when we do? I know I have to improve a whole lot. Politicians go back and forth with promises, so who do we believe? We are five trillion more in debt that we were almost four years ago.

    How is it we are loaning money to other countries? Who's to blame for that? So we send money to other countries and then hear talks about cutting medicare, educational programs, the most two important things not to cut!

    I heard Mrs. Obama say, Barrack doesn't care about how much money you make, he cares about how you help one another! So is that why we are still losing jobs? He doesn't care about the money you make? Did I misunderstand?  I guess that could be take a couple of ways. I don't care what a person earns, but care they earn enough to support themselves, a family and a few niceties in life . When you care about people, you care about the whole person!
   This sounds like I'm against Obama doesn't it? I'm just not for him, but am for a new President and do wish we had better choices. Mitt? Well he did do very well for himself and others in business and yes I heard a all about a company that went belly-up. Does that compare to putting out country five more trillion in debt and affecting the whole USA? Where are the jobs? Hey you millionaires.. you say you love this country so do everyone a favor, create jobs. God knows we can use them.
   In the coming election I am going to make it my business to learn more. No matter how old or young you are, you can learn about those not doing in office what you elected them to do. Every two years you have a chance to throw the bums out, male and female if they don't own up to promises. Well, my fat fingers hurt, so gotta go. Raisin bran awaits, love that stuff....

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