Sunday, September 30, 2012

Preachers Rock

     Can you imagine a preacher standing on a rock to preach? Well it has been done I'm sure. I know a few preachers who stand on the ground and because of the kind of people they are, to me appear as if standing on a rock; That's in a good way of course. Those are the kind of men who you might never know they're preachers until someone tells you and I've had that experience. Once I found out I thought, I wonder if I ever said something I shouldn't have. Then I thought-how silly-me? Of course I have. It's how I roll :)
    But I'm talking about Preachers Rock in Norway. Look it up. You Got To Be Kidding Me!!! Those people must be saved before they even get up there ! Then check out the people who are at the edge. They must have been born again, saved and anointed with oil before getting on that Preachers Rock. All I can say in closing is this, don't look down.

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