Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chevy Silverado, oh yeah!Chevrolet, see the USA in a Chevrolet

      Again today as I got back into my car which I am very thankful for, I see a big beautiful Red Chevy Silverado pull up beside me. It's almost like a commercial. I see them a lot around here and I especially notice the Chevy's that are red or a certain blue, with two seats. Oh man I love them. I try not to covet, you know, want what the other person has, and simply be satisfied with what I have. I am satisfied, but yet I find myself wishing for a CHEVY MIRACLE.
     Remember those old commercials, See the USA with a Chevrolet... now that was a tune with a vehicle to never be forgotten. Chevy Trucks are the best. In case you don't need yours just consider me a willing recipient:) Who wouldn't have a sense of pride with a Chevy Truck?

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