Saturday, September 8, 2012

Criticism, why, how, and who do you think you are?

         How many times has someone criticised you? From what perspective do they have a right to do so? Are the experts in what they're yakking about or were they criticised so much as a kid, they feel they paid a debt, and now it's their turn to be in their parents place?
      Someone in my family used to tear me apart on how I was raising my children, would always argue my Son's hair length, what kind of shirts he wore and the fact that he loved skateboarding. Was this sincere interest or jealousy. Of course I have to believe jealousy. One thing this person used to tell me often is how lucky I was that my son was  gifted. He had a high IQ. Sure that was important, but me me what was more important was the kind of person he was, and how he treated others.
   He used to bring home strays, and I don't mean cats. That would have been a no-sorry cat lovers. He brought home kids, other boys who were going through a difficult time at home. That too was criticised. What I was told was, what kind of kids are they. Do you know them and what kind of family lets them stay out all night. OMG, this person drove me nuts. When this person found out kids don't have to come from a certain type of family  to be in trouble. God knows. My father was considered to be the nicest man on the block. The reality was, he was just the opposite.
    So before you decide to sit on your might throne of Criticism, look at yourself and why are you doing this. Who do you think you are, the POPE?

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