Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Parents, Left Behind Children

       If I was allowed to write to biological parents, which include both mom and dad for children who are in foster care I would say this; Do you now just how much your child has grown? Do you know their favorite color and what makes them laugh, makes them happy and sad?
     Are you aware of the kinds of troubles they get into? Many get into the same issues as other kids, yet because of foster care, because you didn't care enough, they are made to feel worse as if what they did is completely unheard of, as if a child who lives with both parents are angels. Because foster children come from a life unexpected they bring their anger with them to each home they live in and they suffer or survive. Community parents may say, but my child never did that until...yeah, you get it. Still that is crap. Your child just did different things that the whole neighborhood hasn't learned about. A foster child may bring the cops many times, also known as your child, the one you felt wasn't worth cleaning up your life for. How many kids did you leave behind?
    I have seen what you posted on face book as the proud parent of four children. Are you nuts? Are you seriously nuts? You lost custody because of the horrors you forced on your children and now you walk free, work free, live and party without guilt. Your responsibility it seems ended the day you gave birth.
    Was it worth keeping the boyfriend who beat up your kids. He'll find someone else, but by then your children will have gone through the terrible ordeal of being removed by Children Services with Police Support. How awful is that and what a memory the children have? Thanks to you hapless and selfish idiots.
   Then of course there are the stand-by parents, the parents (which I say loosely) who watch one parent abuse repeatedly and do nothing. Of course you did nothing which is what you'll say at court, snivelling like a baby, but your honor, I didn't do anything. That's one hundred percent right. YOU let it happen, YOU!!! Useless, undeserving piece of crap. Sure I heard social workers say, but look at his or her past, how could the children stand a chance? One excuse after another and while some of it may be true, why were these children left in the care of those parents for such a long time? So in the end, who do we have as children in care?
   What will their future be and who if anyone will they trust? Most of all, how many times will they move and what happens to their education? By the way to those who gave up? lost their children due to neglect and worse, your child shared his tenth birthday with respite providers...strangers, imagine that.

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