Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dr. Oz, Tuesday, check it out...

     I can only suggest to go to Dr.Oz.com as I fell asleep on the couch. Still a little sick, cold and hot kinda thing. Anyway Oz does offer a lot of good info and today was all about how to restart your THYROID.  I know, scratch that, I think I know it's all about changing how you eat. Such as being on a diet and going off a day or so. But I do remember before the sandman hit, something about eating mushrooms.
Well I am off to take my own advice. Having a kid and adult friendly meal. Bigger than fish stick made of haddock but breaded, apple sauce and sweet potatoes. I can eat sweet potatoes three times a day. Love them with scrambles eggs.
    Eleven Bells, I am thankful for today and every day.

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