Sunday, September 2, 2012

Two Weeks, Sally Field

      Sally Field is better than most actresses in my opinion of course. A little while ago I saw a movie titled, TWO WEEKS. Not just good about siblings who deal with mom dying, but how they react to each other's feeling, a step-dad feeling left-out , and how to decide all of the things that need to be talked about before "it" happens. Mom, did take care of most of it, before hand. The step-dad and the three step sons decide to let their sister forge a letter to the bank as if it was mom, asking to close the account, or it would go into probate and then the big G gets a nice piece of the action., as in Government. Why do they? Why can't at any time a family member just come and close an account without a will? So much BS. Why is the government entitled to anything?  Anyway....
                                      Before hand, is what we all need to do, unless of course we just go and have some kind of a quickie death, like  a car accident etc. This was a great movie. Mom wanted to be cremated as do I. She got her wishes, as will I when the time comes. Reality hits and the tears flow freely when the older brother lets the ashes flow and a piece of mom's IV cord is still intact and he puts it in his pocket, not wanting to let mom go at all. He comes apart and his sister tries to comfort him, then the other two brothers also reach out to comfort the strongest of them all.
        All in all, a worth while movie to be seen by any families who are close or somewhat close.  Yes, a few lumps in your throat will happen, and the older brother as well as Sally Fields make the parts they play as real as if it did happen. Life and death. Live it with as few regrets as you can so when that time comes your cup is overflowing.

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