Thursday, September 13, 2012

Down's Syndrome , Loving People

      I just read an article earlier today about kids with Downs Syndrome and other special needs kids. Having worked in Mental Health, I think Ive seen it all, from one spectrum to another and I can tell you people who have Downs Syndrome are the most loving people I've ever met. Now some of you may decide to get sarcastic about that statement, taking it personally, but I don't mean it that way as if to say your child isn't as lovable. This is just a point of view.
    Downs  kids accept us no matter what, so why don't we, who are supposed to be more intelligent, knowledgeable, experienced with life issues, and of course further advanced ? Who is it they see through their special eyes when they look at us and smile ? We look at them through a slanted version and think some terrible things. I've heard people tell their kids to stay away, they might hurt you. No they hurt is coming from adults who are ignorant.
   We talk in this country about tolerance? Where is it when it comes to these very special kids who can certainly teach us a lot. Remember that show, Life Goes on with a boy named Corky who had Downs? Well he was an actor. Anything with anyone is achievable with Downs, and even with you if you try hard enough;)

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