Saturday, September 29, 2012

How does a person regain trust ?

      Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you have to earn trust. That's saying is so old and today kids use it all the time when they feel an adult has to earn their trust. I try as easy as possible to let them know, No it doesn't work that way, that adults have already earned trust when they were kids as well as through a lifetime, that adults don't owe you that, no one owes you anything yet.
     So when it comes to kids and they constantly break a trust, how can they regain it? Do we keep trusting, just giving them more room to connive and whatever else they want to do in the name of trust ? What is it that make us not trust them in the first place? Lying, stealing, foul language, a sneaky and deceptive personality ? Is it trickery? How about deal making, always trying to get something because they feel you owe it to them? Some kids as well as adults feel everyone owes them anything they want. That in part is why our prisons are full. do we get it back?

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