Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Is Your Paycheck Worth all That?

       What are you worth compared to the paycheck you receive? In whatever filed you're in, look around at the slackers who get the same amount of pay as you do. So why do they get away with it and why don't you say something about getting a raise to the boss or bosses. You don't have to mention names, but they will ask why do you think we should give you a raise.
       A simple explanation is: I have been with this company for three years and am doing as much as my counterparts and in many cases more than they do, and I do it with a conscience. I'm here to do a good job for this company and take pride in it, and again like my counterparts who don't. I'm on time, rarely miss a day if at all, do my work in a proficient manner and have a  positive attitude about my company and the work I do for them.
      Now they may ask you: So if you're doing that good a job, should we be expected to give everyone a raise who works as well as you do. Answer as honestly as you can. If you feel it's a yes, then say so and say why, such as: Yes I think so. For one think it shows how the company appreciates continued loyalty, success and people who work, really work and it may show those who don't to get off their what evers, stop just collecting a check, and do some serious work.
     What do you have to lose, your job? No, most people will not lose a job when they are only asking for a raise. You're only asking for  a show of more appreciation. If you're told:well if you don't like what we pay you, then we suggest new employment. Then it's up to you. But if that is the case, then give a polite thank you and let them know you intend to stay on...In the meantime seek other opportunities.

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