Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hope Springs, A Kid and a Prank

       Yesterday I took a kid out for the day. We went to  raceway where he could race sprint like bumper cars. Watching his tightened face was a laugh a minute. I let him race twice. Four minutes just wasn't long enough and since he was the only one the first time, it was more fun the second time around as about six others joined in. After that I took him for ice cream. We rode around a little, then ended up at home. Looking up movies I asked if he wanted to go later in the afternoon and of course that was a yes.
      I fell asleep on the sofa watching an old Bonanza show and had a weird dream that a neighbor was stealing my fence. Issues for sure. Anyway waking up took some bit of strectching and even fell back down on the couch. Finally off we went to Frank Theaters . Isn't it enough to take a kid to a movie but you also have to be surrounded by video games and a lousy greasy diner with bar room lights? Seems not to be. But the movie was the focus, so he went to see Bourne Legacy and I went to see Hope Springs. I don't think I expected much and that's what I got. The movie which was to start at 4:50 actuially started at 5:20, had seven others in the theater.
     All I can say about this movie was it was a nice movie, just nice, more for maybe much older adults, and I consider myself to be an older adults, but even I like more action. Well finally over, I waited for the kid outside and planned to take him out for desert. In the car he asks to get a burger. I hate that. Why can't what you have already done for the day be enough? Yet we live in such a me and greedy society. I told him, don't ask, just don't ask for anything. He asked, and I said ya know if you didn't ask I might have, but since you asked, I have left overs at home. right away it was an uh but, I ,that's what I meant thing-BS
    Either way I rode as if going home and did tell him I was going to stop for desert but remembered he already had ice cream today.  Nothing. But I really wanted the day to keep going, actually wanted to ride and ride all the way until my tank was empty. Yet I had to keep some sanity so we ended up at TGIF, I ordered cheesecake which was awful, more like air filled something, and he got his burger. I looked at his burger and then I ordered one. He asked me to dance right there in the isle outside of the booth. I did, got up and did a quick five second shake of my bod. He wouldn't.
   We left and he asked me if I would play a prank, go through a drive through and order as if my speaker was broken, so I did, through Wendy's I order two----with a side of m---and one large----a single--- and the woman said she couldn't hear me, so I yelled it back. No, no I mean I can hear you, but not your words. I ordered again and this time she said can you drive to the window. The boy was busting a gut laughing. We drove past the window.
     Now almost home, I stopped at my local convenience store and asked Jacob if he had non-skid toilet paper. Poor guy. He looked so serious. looking directly at him as he answered, uh non-skid, I don't think we carry it but did you look back... and he was pointing to where toilet paper is and at that point I lost it, Apologizing to Jacob, we left. It was really a fun-filled day, and I'm sure we'll do it again, Those are the kind of pranks that don't hurt anyone. By the way, the kid I had with me recorded it on his PS Vita, played it a few dozen times and kept himself amused all night.

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