Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11, Pledge of Allegiance in schools

       How, more so after September eleventh, are we still without the pledge of allegiance in our school? How is it our children don't know it as they should as well as the Star Spangled Banner ? Oh yeah, I remember, their rights are being violated. Then you do it. As parents who are American and believe in America, what our armed forces protect us from, you teach them.
      Do you know in part why our kids are in so much trouble? It's all and very simply boils down to respect. Without that kids are running like a bunch of crossed wires and we know what happens when wires get crossed. This is our country and while we all complain about what's wrong, what are we doing to try, at least try to make it better? Do we go up to school to check on how the kids are doing? It isn't all on report cards ya know, Yes, I know people work, but how often are those school meetings? How long will your child live and you do want them to have a good life right?
      So start now. Teach the basics that aren't being taught in school. No matter what your feelings are about the separation of Church and state, we were still better off with prayer in school, grace before meals, night time prayers,  and kids asking forgiveness. Now they just ask for a lawyer. Yeah, they know their rights alright, after all, they live in America.

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