Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fred Price, TV MInister vs. Locals

    Have you seen this guy? Well I've seen him before on TV as well as his son, and Fred Price has sermons that make sense, good old common sense, and he isn't a screaming preacher, yelling at you all the time as if you just broke the ten Commandments. This is the kind of minister I like to listen to and I know of one locally too, but I just can't click with people, although I do enjoy the Bible study groups when I did go.
   Okay enough of that and back to Fred Price. Today's sermon was probably one we have had enough of-up to here. It was about giving and his telling us that all of his needs are met, that, that is how we all want to be, with all of our needs met. He left one little thing out. Not everyone is in the same boat as he is, all employed by the same giant church, and is that what God wants? How do we know? If all of our needs are met, then we wouldn't ever need anyone else?
   Needs are many and don't always have to do with money or home repairs. What about those who are ill, seriously ill. Fred Price is telling us as I understand it, that if we buy more ground ( his words ) ie tithe more, we get more. I know shaken down stuff, but again, what about those who are ill, dying, lonely, unable to get out, don't have a phone and yes those people do exist.
   Much of what Fred Price said is true. He did say we need to work together with God, not for Him but with Him. I get that too. I had an experience like that a few years ago, actually twice, and I'm still trying to reimburse, but it was well worth it, that kind of surprise. That time or two the people contact was amazing and I remember standing back once in a while looking at a marvel, how people came together to help. Then my car went on fire and between these same people, and my son and my daughter, a third each, I had an almost new car, but new to me. Such a late model, and I see what Fred Price means about doing together with God. It may take time but it is being paid back and I will always be grateful, thankful and have those memories.
   Fred Price, Dr. Stanley and a local minister are pretty straightforward and sincere guys. I knew a few like them years ago. Isn't it amazing how those you loved most are gone, yet in another way have come back as examples of goodness?

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