Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Paint spray can explodes by gas stove !

     If you missed it on the news yesterday, I didn't. It started out as a commercial showing how a woman's dog, a corgi gets into her kitchen cabinet and takes things out. So as the camera rolls the corgis is getting into things and finds a can of spray pain, grabs it and it goes off everywhere, but as it lays on the floor the fumes from the can seep under her gas stove and an explosion erupts, causing a fire in her kitchen.
       No one was hurt THANK GOD( too bad Obama, it's acceptable here) but imagine if this was a child left alone while mom or dad had to leave a few moments, you know the bathroom. So lock those bottom cabinets. I'm thinking of locking my top and bottom cabinets.
   Paint cans? They belong in the basement, outside away from possible dangerous fumes or anywhere safe. For those of you who know me-I'm constantly working on it:)

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