Tuesday, September 25, 2012

People Pollution-Power Ten

      Is People Pollution making you nauseous? I'm dead serious ! What's happening in this world today is we are over exposed to everyone and every one's opinion. Yes, I am giving my opinion too, but you have a choice to or not to read it and I'm not in your face yelling at you.
    Commercials are one of the worst. As if we are all hearing impaired they yell at us. Do they think we'll get smarter and listen better if they yell? I mute or change channels. One commercial I just can't stand is...oh I forget, it was so loud I changed channels.
   Let's talk about Power Ten and a few others like it. I would love Power Ten, but I don't like being treated as if I'm brainless. I called power ten and immediately said, do I end up paying more than ten dollars. Yes, four or three more payments of 39.95-how's that for deception ? Send me a power ten anyway, No Strings attached, I need it, please.
                                       What makes us go back into an environment where we have to shout to get out chats across, like many bars? The atmosphere right? Isn't that amusing? An atmosphere where we have to shout to be heard and listened to.
I love the Salty Dog in Brooklyn New York. The noise level there is up and down, of course when ever time of day or night you go. I pick and choose according to moods, mine and friends.
       What about shopping? When we go to a mall is it so busy with chatters you can't talk? Vacations too? Amusement parks are busy and you better be close or you'll lose what's being said or lose the person next to you. Baseball, sports stadiums...now that's a happy excitement!
      When I say People Pollution...I am not talking about simply a noise level or crowds, I am talking about people you hang around with but don't really care about anymore, so are you that lonely? Then try hard to find another source of being social, even if it means volunteering. Now that's a good source of Positive People Pollution.  Try it, and get rid of what is making you emotionally ill, after all you only have this one short life. Take it back and make it a worth while life.

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