Sunday, September 30, 2012

Tom, Illustrator, Norway Education, Krakow

       Good Morning Everyone,

                 This morning I received a note from Norway. My cousin let me know her son Tom who is the Illustrator for The Jelly Bean Forest, coming out in the spring is on an eight day trip to Germany, Krakow, Poland, all part of his education and he is just fifteen. Do we have those same opportunities at that age? I honestly don't know as far as school taking kids on those kinds of educational trips. If not why not?
                Over the years we have heard a lot of nonsense from the nuts out there who want to say six million Jews were never exterminated as well as the other eight million. Those are extremists, bigots and nobodies as far as I'm concerned. But how do they account for the people I see at the Jewish Community Center who have tattoos on their arms from that time in concentration camps? The history itself is proof enough, yet why try to prove to bigots anything. That's the same as Christianity vs. Atheism.
                   Education is the answer to just about everything, so why is it, to me at least we seem so far behind other countries. I say put more women in charge:) We don't want wars, and we certainly don't enjoy fighting, but we will fight anyone to protect our children;let us at im'-It's mainly women who go to PTA meetings at school, go to school for appointments, receive calls from the school to pick up a sick child, or a child who just got into trouble. You may think I strayed here in this blog, but it all ties together.
     As a last note Tom will be here in the Spring, signing books, having girls ogle at him, showing his artistic talents as that of a man with over twenty years experience and meeting family. I for one can't wait.

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