Sunday, September 16, 2012

All of These Mommies

      Have you ever thought how many times we've heard the phrase, single moms?
Yes I know there are single dads too, after all that's how most single moms become who the are? Ever since time began though it was the single moms who were penalized for that title, although it has gotten better. I remember when; if a girl became pregnant she was sent away, but never the boy. It was she who was shamed, not the guy.
     So now today we have women who don't want marriage or even kids and good for them. Then again we have single women who want kids, and no dad in their lives. Is that selfish? I think so. Unless of course you're a celebrity, then you are popular, single, have a lot of money and everyone adores you, especially those kids in high school who admire and model you. But they don't have your celebrity, or fame or money or even the man to help support if you want them to. They can't leave the country to adopt a child of another race when they can't even care for themselves. Isn't that popular now? To adopt a child from another race in another country. What's up with that anyway?
     No I am not against adopting children from a different racial background, but am against adopting from other countries when we have a million kids right here in the USA who need adoptive parents. What? The USA isn't good enough for celebrities? Maybe they wouldn't get as much photog attention at airports if they chose to adopt right here. Sure it's nice to help provide a child in another country opportunities that they might not otherwise have, but that goes for kids right here too, so what makes those children more worth while? UnAmerican? Maybe you are too.
       Now you single AMERICAN MOMS, think about having that dad in your child's life, financially and emotionally supporting him or her, being there, picnics, school meeting,an example of what a dad should be, family gatherings and so on. You don't have to marry him, but it sure would be nice to see yourselves as family. After all, what about the child?

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