Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Special Ed Programs, why they...

     When I talk about special Ed programs and why they do work or not, I am mainly talking about kids who are deeply involved in Special Education with the kinds of disabilities such as Brain damage disorders to the extent that it's just  about impossible to learn unless in special ed classes with few children in each one.
      Now I know and am well aware that there are other special ed classes which have kids who have add and adhd etc. But I am talking about the first kind of needs.
    What kinds of teachers do this work? Who are they and what is their background that makes them as special as the kids they teach, care for, and yes, even love. Who are they? They are sons and daughters who have taken on children that many won't even have in a classroom, even considering inclusion.
They are people who deserve our respect, a kind letter or note once in a while, and a decent salary, maybe as much as the superintendent of schools. We want our children to receive an education, and we want that to be with those very special teachers, then lets show some more support. I do not have  a child with those needs, but have worked with many and not as a teacher so I can only imagine. Remember that song?
      Appreciation starts with a, thank you for teaching and accepting my child note and in person when you have time. Another way is when the school board has those meetings, show up and suggest financial rewards. That could be in the form of  a bonus, a raise, a weeks paid vacation, anew car after so many years and more along those lines. Check out the raises the Supervisor gets, and assistant principals. Sure they deserve it-to an extent, but the pay a supervisor gets, to me is ridiculous.
    Support your Special Education teachers, a child's best daytime friend.

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