So now he's moved in and we have what's known as the honeymoon period and I was told his MHP, Mental Health Professional will stop by once a week. By The Way, when I mentioned having a masters degree meant nothing, that's just my personal opinion. I have seen about four to five people who get the title MHP after only a month of training. Some deserve that title simply and I don't really mean simply, after teaching in schools for fifteen years like my latest MHP, but others like many in social work, use this position as a stepping stone to other fields. So to add a title like MHP to a resume makes them sound like they knew what they were doing.
Okay back to Chad. That poor kid was stuck with me, a newbie who thought parenting your own made you an expert on other kids coming into your home. Not by a long shot. Well I really liked this little guy, and we had fun which I love doing with kid, and making sure they have enough to eat, sleep well, and are safe.
On the way home one day he asks me if I knew about the devil. I said well, I heard of him, and let "Chad" talk. He told me of a place he stayed at,a home for unruly boys, and shortly before Halloween one night a staffer is outside his window. Chad doesn't see or hear anyone. Now this is a kid who was dropped off on a city street at the age of four, lived in a crack house while parents got stoned and drunk.
It was dark out and he was living there just a few weeks. Suddenly two hands smack at the window and a deep Red DEVIL's face is pressed against the window. Chad was eight or nine, and let out a scream as other staff, laughing came in and told him soemone was playing a joke. Isn't that kool? Isn't that funny? These adults,a word I use with caution, were in charge of kids already damaged, and helping them along, to almost insure they would continue on that crooked road. Chad never forgot that experience and even though he logically knew it was a joke, he became so frightened of the dark, the devil, and noises that it took a ton of med to help him sleep.
Over a period of time as he relaxed in my home, he showed what he had inside of him, from sweetness to a charmer to an angry, angry child like a boil festering at the least little thing that didn't seem to go right that day. Then it would come,his explosions, the terror of his anger with destruction unlike any I experienced, with the exception of my own father, but this was a ten year-old!
I asked myself how could a ten year old do this and think it was okay. What I've learned is they don't have any fear of serious repercussions, and through each time they move they pass on to other kids this: hey they can't do anything to you, they're not your real parents, they can't spank you-and there it is, they can't spank you. No fear of being treated anything like the parents. With rules we have to follow, we have to feed, clothe, give allowance for no reason at all, take to doctors, and more. A whole lot better than home and there are guidelines, so once a child knows this at some point the honeymoon is over and then they really move in.
I'm good with all those rules, except allowance, but we can save it for them so they don't have to get it in their hands each week, or buy savings bonds. But even in care, there are parents who don't abide by the rules and get away with it.
So what I learned about Chad was, he was used to moving on, like so many kids are and I've seen so many commercials where kids they I always had things taken away from me, and I remember always having to move. Pulls at your heart?
What those nice kids aren't saying is the destruction they caused, and definitely not all, but a lot of them. They don't tell you how they broke your possessions and stole, broke into your room, into your computer, put a large sized kid hole in your wall, gave your phone number out to anyone who wanted it. lied over and over, broke your heater, poked holes in walls with sticks, peed on the floor, smeared feces on walls, felt sick and would refuse to go in the bathroom, threaten to kill you or themselves just for trying to get you mad. They won't tell you how they keyed your vehicle, cut up pictures and the trail of destruction.
How easily they forget. No I am not angry about all this, but those are just commercials selling a product, like all commercials are, and never ever tell the complete truth. Chard part 3 con't tomorrow
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Chad, Part 2-The DEVIL-NO FEAR
angry children,
Monday, November 29, 2010
Chad's Bruised Heart
I met him about seven years ago. He was small, chubby, a great smile as wide as the ocean and eyes the color of a blue sky with a lisp to boot. A lisp that would tug at any adult no matter how tough they thought they were. Yet, that only lasts a little while. This little guy came to me from a residential home. For those of you not familiar with residential housing for kids, it about getting a child's behavior under control. They do it by using rewards, unrealistic living as they have a lot of outings, more than most families could do. But they are staffed, and that's makes a big difference. They also don't require as many educational hours in a day, so if a child is already in special classes for emotional and or learning support, you can almost bet on it that he'll receive as little educational as possible.
On my first visit, I was taken to peek in on him in his classroom. He had his head down. The teacher didn't give a crap as long as behaviors were in order and the lights were so dim, I don't know how anyone was able to see. I asked about the lights and was told, it keeps them calm.
He was very good at pretending. After a few visits it was decided he would come to live with me, and we had a good time, until, yes until he got very comfortable with me, got to know me, trust me, know I wouldn't abandon him, curse him out or starve him, and also know that I wouldn't lay a finger on him. On our way home that first day we stopped at a local diner and I gave him a menu. In a soft quiet voice he said, but I can't read this. Really? You're kidding me, I asked him as he was shaking his head no at the same time. So menu aside I just asked, what do you like. The answer is usually the same, cheeseburger or shrimp.
The day before I picked him up, his Mental Health Professional came to my job, and finally showed me his profile. This little guy at ten was on probation! What? Why didn't you tell me before I asked as I read so much more of his unbelievable history. Her reply was, would you have taken him?( I don't know as he was my first) Now here she stood in the hall with me and asked after I finished, do you still want him? She was a professional with a masters degree. Little did I know that would come to nothing to me . Where is the honor? Did I still want him? Was I going to be a rat and say no when he was expecting me and already packing?
So we get home and I unload bags and bags, yes bags. Clear trash bags filled with clothes I found out didn't even belong to him, and pee soaked yet. There were some of his clothes, but most were four or five sizes too big. We do receive a clothing allowance, but not until a month later. Screw that, he needed clothes now, so off we went. Then I saw holes in his socks, and embarrassment with his little face flushed. Residential homes are paid to the tune of four to eight hundred a day, depending on level of care and facility, and he barely had clothes. This in America? ( Cont'd tomorrow)
On my first visit, I was taken to peek in on him in his classroom. He had his head down. The teacher didn't give a crap as long as behaviors were in order and the lights were so dim, I don't know how anyone was able to see. I asked about the lights and was told, it keeps them calm.
He was very good at pretending. After a few visits it was decided he would come to live with me, and we had a good time, until, yes until he got very comfortable with me, got to know me, trust me, know I wouldn't abandon him, curse him out or starve him, and also know that I wouldn't lay a finger on him. On our way home that first day we stopped at a local diner and I gave him a menu. In a soft quiet voice he said, but I can't read this. Really? You're kidding me, I asked him as he was shaking his head no at the same time. So menu aside I just asked, what do you like. The answer is usually the same, cheeseburger or shrimp.
The day before I picked him up, his Mental Health Professional came to my job, and finally showed me his profile. This little guy at ten was on probation! What? Why didn't you tell me before I asked as I read so much more of his unbelievable history. Her reply was, would you have taken him?( I don't know as he was my first) Now here she stood in the hall with me and asked after I finished, do you still want him? She was a professional with a masters degree. Little did I know that would come to nothing to me . Where is the honor? Did I still want him? Was I going to be a rat and say no when he was expecting me and already packing?
So we get home and I unload bags and bags, yes bags. Clear trash bags filled with clothes I found out didn't even belong to him, and pee soaked yet. There were some of his clothes, but most were four or five sizes too big. We do receive a clothing allowance, but not until a month later. Screw that, he needed clothes now, so off we went. Then I saw holes in his socks, and embarrassment with his little face flushed. Residential homes are paid to the tune of four to eight hundred a day, depending on level of care and facility, and he barely had clothes. This in America? ( Cont'd tomorrow)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
St. Judes Makes Sense- A DSI? or 228.
What makes sense? To spend 228. or 19.a month to St. Judes, a children's hospital where no child is ever turned away, or buying a child a DSI as an example, for the same amount of money. Make a child happy for Christmas or a lifetime? No choice in that. Where do these toys come from and where does the profit go? You know where your child came from, and the profit? Saving a child's life at St. Judes is immeasurable.
I use a DSI as a comparison on the decisions many of us make at this time of year, and I too battle with this stuff, but never, ever would I spend the kind of money parents spend on electronics for kids. If you have to feel as if you have to shower gifts this time of year, please go small, original, get things they have to use their hands and minds with, and maybe think about a donation to St. Judes children hospital, please. Kids make our hearts what they become. By helping a child fully develop, we too fully develop. How many hospitals have you heard say they can't do a certain procedure because of insurance? St. Judes doesn't say that. What they have said is, welcome. Just a thought. Oh, if you can't afford to do that, maybe just buy a blanket for someone who isn't as warm as some of us are. Thanks
I use a DSI as a comparison on the decisions many of us make at this time of year, and I too battle with this stuff, but never, ever would I spend the kind of money parents spend on electronics for kids. If you have to feel as if you have to shower gifts this time of year, please go small, original, get things they have to use their hands and minds with, and maybe think about a donation to St. Judes children hospital, please. Kids make our hearts what they become. By helping a child fully develop, we too fully develop. How many hospitals have you heard say they can't do a certain procedure because of insurance? St. Judes doesn't say that. What they have said is, welcome. Just a thought. Oh, if you can't afford to do that, maybe just buy a blanket for someone who isn't as warm as some of us are. Thanks
The Millionaire Minister-Stan Irish-Ch.1Saint or Sinister
He grew up in New York, son of a small time mobster. As a kid he was often teased because he just wasn't as tough as his brothers and sisters. His name was Ben, and he was the most gentle of all the boys in the neighborhood. From the time Ben was seven everyone knew he was different. He was just as different as his father was. Most mobsters were Catholic always going to church to be forgiven from some Priest after confession. Yeah, that's just makes everything as sweet as pie, and pure as a new born baby. Ben father's name was Stan Irish, and he wasn't Irish at all. Actually Stan was a Dane.
As a kid Ben Irish came to the states from Denmark with his mom and dad and four brothers, and two sisters. Right away the family went into the restaurant business, but it was all too much for Ben's mom. Lillian Irish died when Ben was nine years -old. The doctor said it was heart failure from exhaustion. Ben's dad insisted the family stay strong and decided to take the kids out of school, and home school while working at the restaurant. Home schooling was almost unheard of, but Stan Irish felt he and his kids could do anything and they did.
What the Irish family sons didn't know was Stan Irish started playing the numbers. Stan did very well gambling for a long time, then he bottomed out. Stan took a loan out from an old friend who used to frequent the Irish restaurant just about every day. That friend was another neigborhood businessman, by the name of Harry. Harry's business? Harry owned all of the, First Cleaner's Company on the East Coast and growing. Yes, Harry was the guy who offered protection.
One Tuesday afternoon when Ben came in after picking up a crate of fresh fish, he found his dad laying on the floor in the kitchen with Stan's face so badly beaten that Ben barely knew him. Immediately he called the police even as Stan mumbled a dozen no's. The police showed and Stan Irish never answered any questions, but was taken away in an ambulance. Ben stood there crying when he felt a fat hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Harry. Harry cradled little Ben as Ben swore he would find whoever beat up his dad and would beat him up too.
Harry let out a huge bellow of laughter telling Ben how everyone knew how gentle a kid he was. Ben just cried.
In the weeks ahead Stan Irish lay between life and death, and his kids all chipped in and kept the restaurant, and home going. What they didn't know was, as they ordered supplies, and paid suppliers, it all came from Harry, a vicious cycle. It was Harry who kept things going for the family. It was Harry who knew what a valuable piece of property that Stan Irish's restaurant sat on. Harry had a lot of time, but did Stan Irish?
A new chapter each week for a one time payment to doozybags at paypal
at 4.95-once a one time payment is made you will receive individaully by e mail a new chapter until the end, thank
As a kid Ben Irish came to the states from Denmark with his mom and dad and four brothers, and two sisters. Right away the family went into the restaurant business, but it was all too much for Ben's mom. Lillian Irish died when Ben was nine years -old. The doctor said it was heart failure from exhaustion. Ben's dad insisted the family stay strong and decided to take the kids out of school, and home school while working at the restaurant. Home schooling was almost unheard of, but Stan Irish felt he and his kids could do anything and they did.
What the Irish family sons didn't know was Stan Irish started playing the numbers. Stan did very well gambling for a long time, then he bottomed out. Stan took a loan out from an old friend who used to frequent the Irish restaurant just about every day. That friend was another neigborhood businessman, by the name of Harry. Harry's business? Harry owned all of the, First Cleaner's Company on the East Coast and growing. Yes, Harry was the guy who offered protection.
One Tuesday afternoon when Ben came in after picking up a crate of fresh fish, he found his dad laying on the floor in the kitchen with Stan's face so badly beaten that Ben barely knew him. Immediately he called the police even as Stan mumbled a dozen no's. The police showed and Stan Irish never answered any questions, but was taken away in an ambulance. Ben stood there crying when he felt a fat hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Harry. Harry cradled little Ben as Ben swore he would find whoever beat up his dad and would beat him up too.
Harry let out a huge bellow of laughter telling Ben how everyone knew how gentle a kid he was. Ben just cried.
In the weeks ahead Stan Irish lay between life and death, and his kids all chipped in and kept the restaurant, and home going. What they didn't know was, as they ordered supplies, and paid suppliers, it all came from Harry, a vicious cycle. It was Harry who kept things going for the family. It was Harry who knew what a valuable piece of property that Stan Irish's restaurant sat on. Harry had a lot of time, but did Stan Irish?
A new chapter each week for a one time payment to doozybags at paypal
at 4.95-once a one time payment is made you will receive individaully by e mail a new chapter until the end, thank
The Movie: RED
I can't say enough about this movie. Seeing it today with two kids, ages twelve and fifteen, we all enjoyed it. It was meant for almost anyone to watch, age appropriate of course, not meant for a ten year-old because of all the shooting. Parents it's up to what what your child can handle and should see, bottom line-now back to the movie.
When I was younger I didn't care much for Bruce Willis, but as he's gotten older, his sense of himself has come through in his acting as well as his sense of humor. Helen Mirren was awesome as well as Richard Dreyfuss and MORGAN FREEMAN. These actors are sensational. The actor who play Mirren's boyfriend is an actor who has played a variety of characters, and at one time played a part that really made me hate him, and I swore I would never watch him again. Yet here he was and I have seen him before this and after that nasty part he played and he was always good, but you know how one part can portray someone as"that person" you never forget?
Well I never forgot, but today he just seemed different in RED, and played his part to perfection, with a Russian accent yet.
Richard Dreyfus played a gangster who ends up being killed near the end. Let me not forget John Malkovich-Oh man was he weird, great,funny, and had part that couldn't be played by many. Bruce Willis had a girlfriend in this movie who did a nice job too. Back to Morgan Freeman. He played a surprise part, as did Dreyfuss and these men just worked as if they did this all their lives. Oh, can't forget the young man, handsome as he is who played a CIA agent-yup, don't know his name either, but he too was enjoyable-last but not least in the small part he had was Ernest Borgnine.
He brought back smiles simply in remembering his old sense of humor.
This story did have a little romance, mystery, thrill, and surprises. Go see it if you want to relax and be entertained at the same time.
When I was younger I didn't care much for Bruce Willis, but as he's gotten older, his sense of himself has come through in his acting as well as his sense of humor. Helen Mirren was awesome as well as Richard Dreyfuss and MORGAN FREEMAN. These actors are sensational. The actor who play Mirren's boyfriend is an actor who has played a variety of characters, and at one time played a part that really made me hate him, and I swore I would never watch him again. Yet here he was and I have seen him before this and after that nasty part he played and he was always good, but you know how one part can portray someone as"that person" you never forget?
Well I never forgot, but today he just seemed different in RED, and played his part to perfection, with a Russian accent yet.
Richard Dreyfus played a gangster who ends up being killed near the end. Let me not forget John Malkovich-Oh man was he weird, great,funny, and had part that couldn't be played by many. Bruce Willis had a girlfriend in this movie who did a nice job too. Back to Morgan Freeman. He played a surprise part, as did Dreyfuss and these men just worked as if they did this all their lives. Oh, can't forget the young man, handsome as he is who played a CIA agent-yup, don't know his name either, but he too was enjoyable-last but not least in the small part he had was Ernest Borgnine.
He brought back smiles simply in remembering his old sense of humor.
This story did have a little romance, mystery, thrill, and surprises. Go see it if you want to relax and be entertained at the same time.
Friday, November 26, 2010
I Was Only Meant To Be… For Michael
I was only meant to be your mother, I knew this long ago
As I held you in my arms, and said I loved you so
You were my little baby boy, I held you day and night
Never wanting to let go or even out of sight.
When you weren’t in my arms I held you on my knee
Thinking I’d have you always, sitting alongside of me
Soon the years have passed; you grew up all too soon
And now I sit without you, wishing by the moon.
I wish you have the love, as I have found in you
When you hold your baby boy the way that I did too,
I hope you share the silly times, serious and more
Always let him know to you, is an open door.
Take him to a baseball game because we really cared
About the love as family, we have always shared.
We each ate a hot dog and a beer or two
took a crazy taxi ride, a first for me and you.
I was only meant to be, your mother long ago
But loving you forever, have I told you so?
I was Only Meant To Be...For Jenny
I Was Only Meant to Be…
For Jenny
I was only meant to be your mother,
from the day that you were born
I held you in my arms, keeping you forever warm
I held you close beside me, tucked you in at night
just to pick you up again, keeping you in my sight.
I was only meant to be your mother
Any time of day
And when the night closed in, I was there to say
I loved you my baby daughter then and now you see
I know you’re all grown up, a baby off my knee.
But I kept the memories that you gave me, a mother I was sure
as I was only meant to be, the mother at your door.
I was only meant to be a mother, just for you to know
Because my baby daughter, it’s you who I love so.
Nancy Costa 11/26/2010
I was Only Meant To Be...For Michael
I Was Only Meant To Be… For Michael
I was only meant to be your mother, I knew this long ago
As I held you in my arms, and said I loved you so
You were my little baby boy, I held you day and night
Never wanting to let go or even out of sight.
When you weren’t in my arms I held you on my knee
Thinking I’d have you always, sitting alongside of me
Soon the years have passed; you grew up all too soon
And now I sit without you, wishing by the moon.
I wish you have the love, as I have found in you
When you hold your baby boy the way that I did too,
I hope you share the silly times, serious and more
Always let him know to you, is an open door.
Take him to a baseball game because we really cared
About the love as family, we have always shared.
We each ate a hot dog and a beer or two
took a crazy taxi ride, a first for me and you.
I was only meant to be, your mother long ago
But loving you forever, have I told you so?
Nancy L. Costa
Did JESUS go Christmas SHOPPING?
My only purpose in this is not to be sarcastic, but if you really believe in Jesus, is this what he did every year and his people for December 25th? So okay, the bottom line purpose is to help people keep their money for their own use, not spend like on a drug induced high or drunken sailor, but to know you have money after the holidays for bills, food, rent or mortgage. Where in the Bible does it talk about Christmas shopping?
Please let me tell ya, I am by far perfect, but from what I see all around me, knowing the utility companies are raising prices, and grocery stores have already done that, gas for your car, clothes, hospitals, doctor offices, lawyers, counselors. Let's help now with all of this, do not spend with the exception of one gift per person if you have to including children. Sure they expect a bunch of toys, but why? Because it's what they've been taught-so unteach, then reteach.
Let's start with utilities. I know you know this, but keep it very low at night, turn it off-yes, off, during the day, unplug those outlets you don't use. When you come home and the kids will be chilly, keep them busy until the heat comes up and make them dress warmer, after all it isn't summer. A boy I have here told me I need to turn the heat up-he had on a pair of summer shorts and a short sleeve shirt. Guess who won that?
Gas for your car: Make a weekly list of errands and groceries-now rethink and plan it out so it works as spending less time in the car, less stress, less gas.
That grocery list: write out a menu, then write out the groceries you need according to the list.
Counselors: This is a doozy- How many really good friends do you have? Use them, and use them for your kids too. Write up a contract for privacy, help each other that same way, save a trip, gas, time, and stress. Also look at how when you see a counselor, they are checking the time-so how well do they really listen? If you need meds, see your regular doctor. Yes, he or she can prescribe meds for depression and many other psychotic meds. I have worked with people who have that need, so you can do it too.
The doctor visit: Ask and you will receive, and yes the doctor will give you a discount on your visit.
Need a lawyer? Sit down with him or her and know what you will be paying. Many times after a contract is signed you feel you don't understand it, then get a bill for other services, like a steno, phone calls, copies of doctor bills and more. Let your lawyer know, you don't want to end up like that so be clear, set a legal budget.
Hospitals-4.00 for one aspirin? Criminal-if you are able bring a note pad and keep track of what you are given, and you can appeal your bill and at the end, you can even negotiate .
Please let me tell ya, I am by far perfect, but from what I see all around me, knowing the utility companies are raising prices, and grocery stores have already done that, gas for your car, clothes, hospitals, doctor offices, lawyers, counselors. Let's help now with all of this, do not spend with the exception of one gift per person if you have to including children. Sure they expect a bunch of toys, but why? Because it's what they've been taught-so unteach, then reteach.
Let's start with utilities. I know you know this, but keep it very low at night, turn it off-yes, off, during the day, unplug those outlets you don't use. When you come home and the kids will be chilly, keep them busy until the heat comes up and make them dress warmer, after all it isn't summer. A boy I have here told me I need to turn the heat up-he had on a pair of summer shorts and a short sleeve shirt. Guess who won that?
Gas for your car: Make a weekly list of errands and groceries-now rethink and plan it out so it works as spending less time in the car, less stress, less gas.
That grocery list: write out a menu, then write out the groceries you need according to the list.
Counselors: This is a doozy- How many really good friends do you have? Use them, and use them for your kids too. Write up a contract for privacy, help each other that same way, save a trip, gas, time, and stress. Also look at how when you see a counselor, they are checking the time-so how well do they really listen? If you need meds, see your regular doctor. Yes, he or she can prescribe meds for depression and many other psychotic meds. I have worked with people who have that need, so you can do it too.
The doctor visit: Ask and you will receive, and yes the doctor will give you a discount on your visit.
Need a lawyer? Sit down with him or her and know what you will be paying. Many times after a contract is signed you feel you don't understand it, then get a bill for other services, like a steno, phone calls, copies of doctor bills and more. Let your lawyer know, you don't want to end up like that so be clear, set a legal budget.
Hospitals-4.00 for one aspirin? Criminal-if you are able bring a note pad and keep track of what you are given, and you can appeal your bill and at the end, you can even negotiate .
Save Health Save Money Stress Spending-DEALS?
I feel it's my duty-almost to remind people not to get caught up in the holiday stress spending. It's never a DEAL when you over spend your health. I'm keeping this short and simple. If you feel you have to be part of the, season spending the usual way-RETHINK YOUR HEALTH, MONEY AND JOB.
When it's all over how will you feel? How will your savings look or will you have credit card bills coming in too? Last but not least, do you know one hundred percent, that your job will still be there for you in the next three years?
Because that's how long it takes most people to pay it off, especially when an emergency happens, like an illness, a car breaking down, or worse a funeral. Wouldn't it be nice to start the NEW YEAR without knowing, oh God, how in the world am I going to pay all this off?
Do you have birthdays right after the holidays or an anniversary or something else to spend your hard earned money on. Please RE-EVALUATE
One gift if you have to, yes, even children, and then use your money on the sick, elderly, disabled, charity if you have to spend it, or buy your self grocery gift cards, gas gift cards. It feels just like a savings account. Aren't you worth it?
When it's all over how will you feel? How will your savings look or will you have credit card bills coming in too? Last but not least, do you know one hundred percent, that your job will still be there for you in the next three years?
Because that's how long it takes most people to pay it off, especially when an emergency happens, like an illness, a car breaking down, or worse a funeral. Wouldn't it be nice to start the NEW YEAR without knowing, oh God, how in the world am I going to pay all this off?
Do you have birthdays right after the holidays or an anniversary or something else to spend your hard earned money on. Please RE-EVALUATE
One gift if you have to, yes, even children, and then use your money on the sick, elderly, disabled, charity if you have to spend it, or buy your self grocery gift cards, gas gift cards. It feels just like a savings account. Aren't you worth it?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I dare ya! Save a home this Holiday
Remember that old saying, I dare ya? How many dares have we taken in the years growing up from friends who would never take that dare. If memory serves me right, I hardly took any dares, too afraid. I knew if it was a Dare like jump too high, I'd fall and wet my pants laughing. Still do that part.
So what is it you dare to do outside of the friends group, or popular group? Yes, I know how insulting this sounds. But look how many people do things because the population is doing it? What if you said no. What if you said, I'm going to feed the poor, the lonely, the sick, the unemployed, the elderly, the disabled and do better this year than decorate my house, than buy a bunch of gifts no one really appreciates and will take back anyway. Do something worth while instead. Do something because that is what's really in you. I dare ya! I double dare ya!
So what is it you dare to do outside of the friends group, or popular group? Yes, I know how insulting this sounds. But look how many people do things because the population is doing it? What if you said no. What if you said, I'm going to feed the poor, the lonely, the sick, the unemployed, the elderly, the disabled and do better this year than decorate my house, than buy a bunch of gifts no one really appreciates and will take back anyway. Do something worth while instead. Do something because that is what's really in you. I dare ya! I double dare ya!
Garth Brooks Christmas,
Garth Brooks new unpublished song?
I looked a little closer to see my baby girl
I knew then that you would, give me a brand new world
The you in you I still see, almost grown to be
the child that was chosen, for your mom and me.
Sitting back I remember, the day that you were born
And now you’re going to, your first High School prom
I still see the you in you, so never let it go
My daughter you were born to keep, the you that you made so.
I looked a little closer as I walked you down the aisle
Seeing from another time a new born baby’s smile
And then I knew that you kept, the you in you through time
You’ll always be the, you we love, you are your mother’s child.
Now I walk you to a life, proudly on my arm
From a baby’s cradle to a high school prom
From the you, you kept inside
Walking down the aisle
To a proud young lady my heart now so torn
As I walk you down the aisle to your husband’s arm….
Nancy L. Costa
I looked a little closer to see my baby girl
I knew then that you would, give me a brand new world
The you in you I still see, almost grown to be
the child that was chosen, for your mom and me.
Sitting back I remember, the day that you were born
And now you’re going to, your first High School prom
I still see the you in you, so never let it go
My daughter you were born to keep, the you that you made so.
I looked a little closer as I walked you down the aisle
Seeing from another time a new born baby’s smile
And then I knew that you kept, the you in you through time
You’ll always be the, you we love, you are your mother’s child.
Now I walk you to a life, proudly on my arm
From a baby’s cradle to a high school prom
From the you, you kept inside
Walking down the aisle
To a proud young lady my heart now so torn
As I walk you down the aisle to your husband’s arm….
Nancy L. Costa
country music,
Garth Brooks,
Tricia Yearwood
My Christmas/ Holiday Pledge
Hello Everyone,
Here's wishing you all a nice Thanksgiving. Recently I was talking to a young man, filled with so much more wisdom and courage that most of us have. It's the courage not to do what most of us have been brought up to do. Here's the list of what we have been trained to do: Spend, build up credit cards over and beyond what we can afford, become stressed so much it affects our relations ships and more important out health, teach our children to become greedy little people, weigh and measure all of the, why didn't I get what he got stuff, and make others rich at the expense of all of the people spending.
Look at the stress to start with. How many times do you say to yourself, will he/she like this? Do I have the right size & color? Did I spend enough, and I really can't afford to spend more. Now for the kids. How many of us tell the kids to make a list? Poor choice. Why are we doing this and who started it all? Ever hear of group think? This is almost universal thinking. Think for yourself and do what's right for you and your family.
What are we teaching kids about giving them so much? We are teaching them that they deserve a bunch of gifts for nothing every year because "everyone else does it". They can get poor grades, show disrespect for adults, parents, teachers, neighbors, and even destroy what they already have. Let's say they don't do all that but are very nice children. Does that mean you own them your financial life by going into debt, spending your last full paycheck? No, what you owe them is to teach them how to be giving children. Don't turn this around and say well we're giving adults. If you do, good, but who and why are you giving. How many are unemployed, sick, without homes.
Take a child out of school for one day and take him or her shopping for groceries for one family, or a winter coats, blankets, or even pay a utility or rent bill, but only what you can afford without going into debt. My daughter is adopting a family for Christmas. My son's wife asked for gently used clothes for her newborn, and they can afford new clothes, but that's not the point. They believe as many do, save the earth, but save the earths people.
My pledge this year is to give one gift for each person, but mainly I will make things. Yes, I know everyone can't make things, but if you believe in the Christmas story or not-for the sake or argument-WWJD=What would Jesus Do? DO you really think he wants us to live "paying" for a man made holiday kind of Christmas the rest of the following year. Personally I do believe in Jesus, and also believe he would want us to nurture and help another rather than spend money at TOYS R US-MACY"S- FAO SCHWARTZ , and on and on. He would want us to make sure we have enough to feed our families, pay our bills, not have this false sense that this time of year is to create greedy children and have them turn into greedy adults, only and always expecting mom and dad to bail them out of everything, after all...
What do you really owe your children?
Here's wishing you all a nice Thanksgiving. Recently I was talking to a young man, filled with so much more wisdom and courage that most of us have. It's the courage not to do what most of us have been brought up to do. Here's the list of what we have been trained to do: Spend, build up credit cards over and beyond what we can afford, become stressed so much it affects our relations ships and more important out health, teach our children to become greedy little people, weigh and measure all of the, why didn't I get what he got stuff, and make others rich at the expense of all of the people spending.
Look at the stress to start with. How many times do you say to yourself, will he/she like this? Do I have the right size & color? Did I spend enough, and I really can't afford to spend more. Now for the kids. How many of us tell the kids to make a list? Poor choice. Why are we doing this and who started it all? Ever hear of group think? This is almost universal thinking. Think for yourself and do what's right for you and your family.
What are we teaching kids about giving them so much? We are teaching them that they deserve a bunch of gifts for nothing every year because "everyone else does it". They can get poor grades, show disrespect for adults, parents, teachers, neighbors, and even destroy what they already have. Let's say they don't do all that but are very nice children. Does that mean you own them your financial life by going into debt, spending your last full paycheck? No, what you owe them is to teach them how to be giving children. Don't turn this around and say well we're giving adults. If you do, good, but who and why are you giving. How many are unemployed, sick, without homes.
Take a child out of school for one day and take him or her shopping for groceries for one family, or a winter coats, blankets, or even pay a utility or rent bill, but only what you can afford without going into debt. My daughter is adopting a family for Christmas. My son's wife asked for gently used clothes for her newborn, and they can afford new clothes, but that's not the point. They believe as many do, save the earth, but save the earths people.
My pledge this year is to give one gift for each person, but mainly I will make things. Yes, I know everyone can't make things, but if you believe in the Christmas story or not-for the sake or argument-WWJD=What would Jesus Do? DO you really think he wants us to live "paying" for a man made holiday kind of Christmas the rest of the following year. Personally I do believe in Jesus, and also believe he would want us to nurture and help another rather than spend money at TOYS R US-MACY"S- FAO SCHWARTZ , and on and on. He would want us to make sure we have enough to feed our families, pay our bills, not have this false sense that this time of year is to create greedy children and have them turn into greedy adults, only and always expecting mom and dad to bail them out of everything, after all...
What do you really owe your children?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Would you Steal this DOG?
Okay so the eyes are off, and he wasn't stolen. I bought him. But how would you feel and what would you do if someone accused you of stealing their shih tzu? When the police came I was flabbergasted as one officer said "the daughter" as they say around here, said she saw you walk off the porch with him. Would the cop lie about that to see if I would cave? I doubt it.The bad thing was I didn't have a receipt. But I trusted people, a no no I later found out. That woman posted he was UTD on shots, he wasn't and I still owe her 60. to be paid DEc.4-so now I was very cooperative with the police, even printed a picture of my dog out so the officer could show her, before I had to have him shaved and bathed and a du claw removed. Maybe I was too cooperative, very passive, over explaining everything.
So here I was accused by a woman who I was not allowed to know her identity, yet she sat outside my home with the police, knew now who I was and where I lived. But when I did what I had to do to find out who she was and call her, she called the police on me-again! I did call her, left a message to let her know I knew who she was and that there can be legal repercussions when a person lies& accuses as she did. However and whatever she said to the police tonight, it made me appear to be the one in a bad light.Yet in this at the end, I have my dog and she doesn't have hers, maybe a reason for it all? Does it pay after all to be this honest? His name? Nick.
Monday, November 22, 2010
DOOR PICS-Let US SHARE them-send to me
My daughter loves doors, and I remember as we talked about a door years ago how I told her I loved castle doors, then she saw one on a house close by us, and since then she's been pointing out doors to me.
Now older, she still loves doors, so of course I would love to make her an album of doors and possibly stories behind it. Can you please let us share your doors? Does each door have story, no matter how big or small.. I have to spend as little as possible this year on gifts so I am making mine. You can send via e mail to or thank you, Doozy
Now older, she still loves doors, so of course I would love to make her an album of doors and possibly stories behind it. Can you please let us share your doors? Does each door have story, no matter how big or small.. I have to spend as little as possible this year on gifts so I am making mine. You can send via e mail to or thank you, Doozy
doors kids,
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Are There Dogs in Heaven ?
I know, a subject no one likes to address. About two months ago my friend lost another adult dog, her best friend, next to her husband and kids of course. I don't quite understand it as I don't attach so easily. Now today I went to a neighbors and have two little boys to walk, feed, water and nurture two pups. I say pups, but they are adult dogs, and the oldest is in the last season of her life.
Filled with arthritis, she walks like an old man or woman getting up from a chair, all bent over hoping for a few straight steps. She is so sad to watch. Those who can't speak, but are in agony can show a little through their eyes. Passion and compassion is needed so much for those animals who befriend us and comfort us. We have to give our all. A question recently came up. Are there dogs in Heaven? What do you think?
Filled with arthritis, she walks like an old man or woman getting up from a chair, all bent over hoping for a few straight steps. She is so sad to watch. Those who can't speak, but are in agony can show a little through their eyes. Passion and compassion is needed so much for those animals who befriend us and comfort us. We have to give our all. A question recently came up. Are there dogs in Heaven? What do you think?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Regis Philbin, Delicious
Isn't he just yummy? Sure he has more advantages to look so good. MONEY DOES HELP. But he earned it. Regis worked all his life and earned every cent. Today Regis is still entertaining, cute, a lot older, smart, handsome, has great personality, and really, really looks so good. Now all I would like, is to stay at the ST. Regis, no connection to Mr. Philbin, but just a wish I have, to stay there for a few days in December. Any offers? I do have reservations in Brooklyn, but either way, can't afford it this year. Oh how I miss MY NEW YORK.
Regis did you ever get the unclaimed property envelope I sent to you a couple of years ago? IT had lists of celebrities and you and Joy who had money at the unclaimed property office in NY-Hey, everyone, go look.
Regis did you ever get the unclaimed property envelope I sent to you a couple of years ago? IT had lists of celebrities and you and Joy who had money at the unclaimed property office in NY-Hey, everyone, go look.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
How to Easily Save Someone's Home From Losing it.
I heard about this one day on a very good show. A church in the South took up a collection for a married older couple who were losing their home. He was retired early due to an illness and she simply didn't make enough to keep paying the mortgage. Soon they fell into ch 13 which appeared okay for a while and does help to save many homes as long as the income stays the same and no emergencies pop up as life so often does happen.
This church took a collection and on that one Sunday collected over 47, 000. to pay off their home. On that Sunday if I have it correct what was left from that offering went into a once a "month mortgage collection" to help those in jeopardy. The people who received that blessing then gave the price of their regular mortgage each month to help others.
So when you can, if you can, suggest that to your church, and really help the community by helping a community person/s stay where they are. Let's stop helping lawyers "help" people file bankruptcy, and lose their home anyway. When people remain in the community where they live, they care more, help more, live and love more. Help them help.
This church took a collection and on that one Sunday collected over 47, 000. to pay off their home. On that Sunday if I have it correct what was left from that offering went into a once a "month mortgage collection" to help those in jeopardy. The people who received that blessing then gave the price of their regular mortgage each month to help others.
So when you can, if you can, suggest that to your church, and really help the community by helping a community person/s stay where they are. Let's stop helping lawyers "help" people file bankruptcy, and lose their home anyway. When people remain in the community where they live, they care more, help more, live and love more. Help them help.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Burial $$$ or BURN=Cheap!! Sam's Caskets
Okay so a bit crude, and it may depend on your religious beliefs, but lets be realistic too. Get two quotes if you are planning your own final moments. I spoke with a guy at a church where we were both doing geneology and somehow got on the subject of dying-ouch. Here is what he did and told his sons how he wants it handled. He gave one power of attorney who will put his heart on hold to grieve, and make sure dad's will is carried out.
This man spoke to the hospital and mortuary. He foud out his body can go directly fro one place to another. Now that would save over four thousand dollars from what the funeral home now wants for cremations, over six thousand. They know people are becoming more conscious of the earth, spending and being practical.
NOW YOU ALSO DO NOT HAVE TO BUY A CASKET AT THE FUNERAL HOME BY LAW! BUT first have them write up a full cost sheet, then as you both sit there-have a witness- start to scratch off this n' that. It's your money, your life and your death. DECIDE NOW!!!
This man spoke to the hospital and mortuary. He foud out his body can go directly fro one place to another. Now that would save over four thousand dollars from what the funeral home now wants for cremations, over six thousand. They know people are becoming more conscious of the earth, spending and being practical.
NOW YOU ALSO DO NOT HAVE TO BUY A CASKET AT THE FUNERAL HOME BY LAW! BUT first have them write up a full cost sheet, then as you both sit there-have a witness- start to scratch off this n' that. It's your money, your life and your death. DECIDE NOW!!!
Avoid Death TAx-How To-estate tax planning
I am listening to Smart Talk in Pennsylvania. Usually this stuff bores me, but when I heard as an introduction the government is about to tax a person who leaves a million dollar estate, and they shower how easily it can add up to a million, by having stocks, 401, and more, such as personal property.Trusts, which money would go into for exemptions so as not to give all assets to surviving spouse, = Spouse exemption.
Under the estate tax law, the person giving it away it responsible for gift taxes-however if you pay directly someone tuition directly, as a gift, no tax. pay doctors and or hospitals, give away 13,000.00 no tax, but 13001. taxes come into play.
Now I, in no way have any where near that, yet I believe in why not sell my house now and give my kids money to help them now. Who needs a house when you can rent as an older person, have some cash, take a trip, get silly and give your kids a bit extra now.
Yeah, the good old government has it's sticky tax fingers in everything.
Under the estate tax law, the person giving it away it responsible for gift taxes-however if you pay directly someone tuition directly, as a gift, no tax. pay doctors and or hospitals, give away 13,000.00 no tax, but 13001. taxes come into play.
Now I, in no way have any where near that, yet I believe in why not sell my house now and give my kids money to help them now. Who needs a house when you can rent as an older person, have some cash, take a trip, get silly and give your kids a bit extra now.
Yeah, the good old government has it's sticky tax fingers in everything.
Adult Bibs-Thursday Buyers
Yes, I know I posted this before but it's part of trying to do business in this economy. Right now I have six left, four short and two long with pockets. The short are 9.00 each and the long with a pocket are 15.00
Oh I did get two offers before on the last few I have, and was told via paypal a check was sent-but I never received it-also another, and I was volunteering to give a couple more away, but then not only did my machine break,( Temp) well there is more to that story... and doesn't have anything to do with me, but I have learned to be more careful in purchases.
I am making more this week and will make them each well and post on Thursdays with photos on my blog and on my web site under miscellaneous-With each post here I will re post where they can be found, prices, colors and styles, if short or long-The prices will stay the same, and S&H is 1.50 for short bibs and 2.50 for long bibs which are of course heavier, all made of cottons. If I make any with liners, I have to add another 3.00
Thank You Doozybags making Doozybibs
Oh I did get two offers before on the last few I have, and was told via paypal a check was sent-but I never received it-also another, and I was volunteering to give a couple more away, but then not only did my machine break,( Temp) well there is more to that story... and doesn't have anything to do with me, but I have learned to be more careful in purchases.
I am making more this week and will make them each well and post on Thursdays with photos on my blog and on my web site under miscellaneous-With each post here I will re post where they can be found, prices, colors and styles, if short or long-The prices will stay the same, and S&H is 1.50 for short bibs and 2.50 for long bibs which are of course heavier, all made of cottons. If I make any with liners, I have to add another 3.00
Thank You Doozybags making Doozybibs
Friday, November 12, 2010
Kyron Horman...Who TOOK THIS LITTLE BOY?
We all know it don't we? Yet, we don't "know it". But we do. Yes, we really know in out hearts who did something with this little boy, but why?
Jealousy? Did this woman have post partum depression and do what many mothers have done? That unbelievable horror of harming a child that moms and dads who would never harm a kid, just can't imagine. As a mom I know what doctors say about post partum depression and suppose it can be true, but his step mother didn't show any signs of it, and yes I think she did it.
Was Kyron's science project faked? Photo shopped? Did he ever get to school? Many of you have heard how the step mother also tried to have her husband killed and when he was told by the police, he took the baby and left his own home. What do you think the police should do?
Personally I think they should be relentless, hound her, trace her calls, put tracking devices on any vehicles she and her closest friends own.
Recently I saw a show where seven or eight guys were innocently sent to jail for at least eight years for rape and murder because the police and one detective in particular forced a confession, and these were young men mainly in the service. So That detective, is now in jail for similar crimes which he took bribes to insure a confession/s. So why can't an honest detective go after this woman.
That step mother brought Fred Myers into it, having a receipt and more. Fred Myers is like Walmart, but when I was in Oregon, it was a whole lot classier. It doesn't appear Kyron was with her. Terry then said she went to Beaverton Oregon, at another Fred Meyer and deliberately showing a photo of Kyron. About 11:30 she went to the gym, exhausted in appearance, a five minute drive, but 1.5 time line is missing between the two places. Terry Horman said she was trying to get her child to sleep by driving around.
Why won't she take another lie detector test-oh did you know, she took two, failed one and I'm not sure of one, but it was what made her take the second which she failed. So, step Mother of the year, where is KYRON?
Jealousy? Did this woman have post partum depression and do what many mothers have done? That unbelievable horror of harming a child that moms and dads who would never harm a kid, just can't imagine. As a mom I know what doctors say about post partum depression and suppose it can be true, but his step mother didn't show any signs of it, and yes I think she did it.
Was Kyron's science project faked? Photo shopped? Did he ever get to school? Many of you have heard how the step mother also tried to have her husband killed and when he was told by the police, he took the baby and left his own home. What do you think the police should do?
Personally I think they should be relentless, hound her, trace her calls, put tracking devices on any vehicles she and her closest friends own.
Recently I saw a show where seven or eight guys were innocently sent to jail for at least eight years for rape and murder because the police and one detective in particular forced a confession, and these were young men mainly in the service. So That detective, is now in jail for similar crimes which he took bribes to insure a confession/s. So why can't an honest detective go after this woman.
That step mother brought Fred Myers into it, having a receipt and more. Fred Myers is like Walmart, but when I was in Oregon, it was a whole lot classier. It doesn't appear Kyron was with her. Terry then said she went to Beaverton Oregon, at another Fred Meyer and deliberately showing a photo of Kyron. About 11:30 she went to the gym, exhausted in appearance, a five minute drive, but 1.5 time line is missing between the two places. Terry Horman said she was trying to get her child to sleep by driving around.
Why won't she take another lie detector test-oh did you know, she took two, failed one and I'm not sure of one, but it was what made her take the second which she failed. So, step Mother of the year, where is KYRON?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Adoption Decision..Ultimatum Given..What
Ultimatum's suck. I act the same as many when you push me against a wall. Today I was given an ultimatum to either say no I won't or yes I will proceed. To be blunt, to proceed can also mean to continue as I am going, but also means when the child is stable to start the paperwork. That sounds so easy, but if you had any idea about this child...what would you do?
Guilt overcomes me as I think what would happen to him knowing the difference between me ad many foster parents and not trying to be cocky about it, I have a conscience. He isn't kept in a room with a TV and video games to keep him out of my hair as have been with many foster parents I knew, yet I can see how that's tempting. Sometimes it isn't a lazy parent but one who is overwhelmed with that child's issues or that the child has to be kept in very close proximity to the home for very good reasons.
I know there are also parents who have loads of love for kids with all kinds of problems, yet, I can't help but think this child's issues aren't just issues, but some that could destroy an other's future. How does any agency try to force someone to not have enough time to decide after only six months of that child living with you. It usually takes about two to three months before a child shows his or hers true colors. Then you have to start to learn who he is, what makes them mad, sad, happy, moody, sneaky, afraid, generous or kind, selfish or hurtful, and hygiene habits, and do they steal, how much can they be trusted, and so many more things to know learn and hopefully love and be able to live with. But SIX MONTHS!
Look up different state children and youth agencies. See how often they succeed at this. Look at how may charges have been filed because of false reports, not checking on kids, asking enough questions, cancellations, and adoptions where kids go back into the system. Sure no one puts that pen in your hand to sign the final paper, but they sure make it hard to decide what's right, and this is the second time I've been put in this position. It didn't end well last time either. Kids who need to be adopted are moved and moved so many times because it behooves the Children and Youth agency to hurry a speedy adoption so they can get a larger stipend/reward form the federal government. Don't think so? Research it.
Guilt overcomes me as I think what would happen to him knowing the difference between me ad many foster parents and not trying to be cocky about it, I have a conscience. He isn't kept in a room with a TV and video games to keep him out of my hair as have been with many foster parents I knew, yet I can see how that's tempting. Sometimes it isn't a lazy parent but one who is overwhelmed with that child's issues or that the child has to be kept in very close proximity to the home for very good reasons.
I know there are also parents who have loads of love for kids with all kinds of problems, yet, I can't help but think this child's issues aren't just issues, but some that could destroy an other's future. How does any agency try to force someone to not have enough time to decide after only six months of that child living with you. It usually takes about two to three months before a child shows his or hers true colors. Then you have to start to learn who he is, what makes them mad, sad, happy, moody, sneaky, afraid, generous or kind, selfish or hurtful, and hygiene habits, and do they steal, how much can they be trusted, and so many more things to know learn and hopefully love and be able to live with. But SIX MONTHS!
Look up different state children and youth agencies. See how often they succeed at this. Look at how may charges have been filed because of false reports, not checking on kids, asking enough questions, cancellations, and adoptions where kids go back into the system. Sure no one puts that pen in your hand to sign the final paper, but they sure make it hard to decide what's right, and this is the second time I've been put in this position. It didn't end well last time either. Kids who need to be adopted are moved and moved so many times because it behooves the Children and Youth agency to hurry a speedy adoption so they can get a larger stipend/reward form the federal government. Don't think so? Research it.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
No Problem, I just split my jeans! at Sheetz
So what should I have done? I knew time was running out for my old jeans. I only own two pairs as I have that hope they'll last until they get loose on me, and only then will I buy a new pair.
I saw the holes slowly spread wider and wider at the corners of the pockets over time and after every wash, still I didn't really believe it would happen. It was only a quick run to the store a few miles up the country road. I needed milk for the morning. A new child guest was with me as was another little guy and I planned on making cinnamon pancakes with sliced banana's, a nice cold glass of milk and a good drive to school.
Suddenly I bent down to get a cup for coffee and that, that rip, that ripped split sound came as if a door just opened. The little guy bust a gut laughing. My eyes got so big. Oh Lordy, what was I going to do? I had a half gallon of milk, an empty cup and already let the boys start on an ice cream. I had to pay, no way out. Then the other kid started to laugh and point with both boys talking too loud, she ripped her pants! look, she ripped her pants. Yes, of course I was saying shh, shut up you guys, I'll rip that ice cream from your mouth Brooklyn style. No that did not help. Laughter continued and I couldn't even give them money to pay. I was using a credit card. So I grabbed the little guy and said, look here hot shot, this is what you're going to do. Play train walking backwards as close as possible with the other guy next to you.
Still people knew. I paid as fast as I could and left, Now I had to get in the car and they ripped even more. Oh I need a Jeep. No only is this car too low, but hurts my back, and definitely not good for weak jeans.
I saw the holes slowly spread wider and wider at the corners of the pockets over time and after every wash, still I didn't really believe it would happen. It was only a quick run to the store a few miles up the country road. I needed milk for the morning. A new child guest was with me as was another little guy and I planned on making cinnamon pancakes with sliced banana's, a nice cold glass of milk and a good drive to school.
Suddenly I bent down to get a cup for coffee and that, that rip, that ripped split sound came as if a door just opened. The little guy bust a gut laughing. My eyes got so big. Oh Lordy, what was I going to do? I had a half gallon of milk, an empty cup and already let the boys start on an ice cream. I had to pay, no way out. Then the other kid started to laugh and point with both boys talking too loud, she ripped her pants! look, she ripped her pants. Yes, of course I was saying shh, shut up you guys, I'll rip that ice cream from your mouth Brooklyn style. No that did not help. Laughter continued and I couldn't even give them money to pay. I was using a credit card. So I grabbed the little guy and said, look here hot shot, this is what you're going to do. Play train walking backwards as close as possible with the other guy next to you.
Still people knew. I paid as fast as I could and left, Now I had to get in the car and they ripped even more. Oh I need a Jeep. No only is this car too low, but hurts my back, and definitely not good for weak jeans.
Help me FLY !!! They Live in Omaha!
So what I left out about Mike McColgan is they live in Omaha Nebraska
His photo business is all about getting the word out more, and doing more weddings, and baby/children photos. If you see those on his site you just cannot go wrong. Mike has been to New York his birth place, Brooklyn like me his mom but travels as the call comes, so please call. A BABY IS COMING! :)
Now for me to FLY? OH HELP ME PLEASE. Ever since September 11, and honestly I don't know if that's the reason, but just maybe I've become more aware of plane crashes, almost hits, people trying to and succeeding with bombs on the planes, so much to worry about. I can drive if I can get the time away.
While retired I do have a foster child who I absolutely cannot take with me, and beside everyone, you know, that is an extra special time, whispers, giggles, and, oh who does he look like time. It quiet time, soft speaking, no rushing, no loud games or TV, no tantrums, just ahh time. I will take any and all suggestions. If I drive it's from PA to Omaha, but I know my daughter will fly-oh one other thing, I cannot be cramped in those seats I've had back surgeries and both knees done-both not so helpful, except when they took out staples, blood vessel clip and a piece of plastic the doctor left in at York Hospital in York PA. No, I didn't sue. Looking back....
His photo business is all about getting the word out more, and doing more weddings, and baby/children photos. If you see those on his site you just cannot go wrong. Mike has been to New York his birth place, Brooklyn like me his mom but travels as the call comes, so please call. A BABY IS COMING! :)
Now for me to FLY? OH HELP ME PLEASE. Ever since September 11, and honestly I don't know if that's the reason, but just maybe I've become more aware of plane crashes, almost hits, people trying to and succeeding with bombs on the planes, so much to worry about. I can drive if I can get the time away.
While retired I do have a foster child who I absolutely cannot take with me, and beside everyone, you know, that is an extra special time, whispers, giggles, and, oh who does he look like time. It quiet time, soft speaking, no rushing, no loud games or TV, no tantrums, just ahh time. I will take any and all suggestions. If I drive it's from PA to Omaha, but I know my daughter will fly-oh one other thing, I cannot be cramped in those seats I've had back surgeries and both knees done-both not so helpful, except when they took out staples, blood vessel clip and a piece of plastic the doctor left in at York Hospital in York PA. No, I didn't sue. Looking back....
Who is McColgan ?
For starters he is a genuine good guy, all around great brother and son, now married for about seven years. In these times of hard economic worries he is the one to call, and no, not for financial planning. His only concern now is financial planning for his first son to be born in March sometime. He would love a 17th of March baby Mc boy, but he will first be happy as pig in mud to have a healthy son.
Okay so you may think big deal, lots of people have sons. All true. But this son, Mike McColgan according to doctors wasn't supposed to ever get off the table after his accident when he was eighteen. He wasn't going to walk again or if lucky might sit up. But they were all completely wrong. After learning what I have learned from that as his mom, it is in the spirit of don't get your hopes up mom, I believe, but I also do believe in miracles.
The story and our connection is too long to go into it now, and I would also like to ask his permission to tell that "whole" story, even though it's also mine and his sisters. So now as a mom, yes, strange maybe, but as his mom, I am asking those of you who could afford to, only those who can afford to,( well it's free, sorry) to look at this and then decide how he can serve your interests best. He was just here in PA. did a bike race in Md. does fundraising for cancer with his wife, and does fundraising for kids at risk.
Mike is all for helping out those who try to help themselves and for those who for whatever reason can't. He climbed Mt. Baker for kids, raised fifteen hundred dollars and almost not reaching that goal, set up a pancake breakfast using his own money and with his wife sold enough breakfasts to meet that goal. I know he will give you a better price and he does travel at no extra cost as is my understanding, after all, it's his business, so please help support a soon to be new dad.
Okay so you may think big deal, lots of people have sons. All true. But this son, Mike McColgan according to doctors wasn't supposed to ever get off the table after his accident when he was eighteen. He wasn't going to walk again or if lucky might sit up. But they were all completely wrong. After learning what I have learned from that as his mom, it is in the spirit of don't get your hopes up mom, I believe, but I also do believe in miracles.
The story and our connection is too long to go into it now, and I would also like to ask his permission to tell that "whole" story, even though it's also mine and his sisters. So now as a mom, yes, strange maybe, but as his mom, I am asking those of you who could afford to, only those who can afford to,( well it's free, sorry) to look at this and then decide how he can serve your interests best. He was just here in PA. did a bike race in Md. does fundraising for cancer with his wife, and does fundraising for kids at risk.
Mike is all for helping out those who try to help themselves and for those who for whatever reason can't. He climbed Mt. Baker for kids, raised fifteen hundred dollars and almost not reaching that goal, set up a pancake breakfast using his own money and with his wife sold enough breakfasts to meet that goal. I know he will give you a better price and he does travel at no extra cost as is my understanding, after all, it's his business, so please help support a soon to be new dad.
Monday, November 8, 2010
This Little Bench
What a difference a little bench makes. A lady saw his at a craft show I was part of and asked me to make one similar. For the last three years I couldn't sell a bag of poop, but this little bench brought many people to my tables. No one bought it, but it was a good conversation starter, and the first words were, did you do this? Yes, I did I said, inside proud, smiling as big as a lop-sided moon.
Well the lady who ordered a bench spoke to me with such kindness as she asked how well I did. I didn't do well at all with selling benches or anything else-until this weekend. Why? I think because I finally listened to others tell me what I needed to do to improve in appearance, and product. I was told by a business associate,(he used that word) don't love your product, but love the people. But I do love the product. When I make it, I see a person who kind of fits the item. But I knew this weekend what he meant. As I thought of the economy I thought about people who may not afford gifts and how could I make a difference. Well the same way the made a difference. I sold so many cheapies and they were so happy. I stopped thinking, no, I worked too hard. That was no longer what mattered. What mattered was making people happy as what was once my career.
Happiness counts, it sure does.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The 12 yr.old Salesboy! Origami?
Yes, he is twelve and a special needs child who I had at my craft show this weekend. He asked me if he could sell Origami. Sure I told him, not really believing it would happen but more to keep him calm and content. He wrote a sign, Origami for 1.00 on a nine by eleven paper. He held it up almost in the faces of people at my table saying, ya want one?
I stood off to the side to give him enough room, and curious to see how it would go. It went. He sold twelve pieces. He made Japanese throwing stars, and boxes you blow up. I said to him later after lunch how some kids have made business very young. He told me he would like that. Then I said well you'll have to buy a pack of paper and...and immediately he said no, I don't want to buy paper, I'll just take yours. Well a little more patience and a firm no you won't, if you really want to try this you have to be responsible.
So now we agreed for two dollars if he sells any, I will address envelopes, and get stamps and mail them, but share the cost. He agreed and if this goes well, I will get him a table in the Spring and he can have his own table next to me-in case he gets frustrated. This little can actually do a lot more with origami, so I want to encourage it and also get him some colored paper to continue and gain more esteem, so hey contact me through if you want to order any from him. I have paypal. oh BTW, yesterday he offered to autograph his work. It was cute to watch. Now no one there knew his name, so if this works out for him, I could only allow him to sign his first name and last Initial. Thanks,
I stood off to the side to give him enough room, and curious to see how it would go. It went. He sold twelve pieces. He made Japanese throwing stars, and boxes you blow up. I said to him later after lunch how some kids have made business very young. He told me he would like that. Then I said well you'll have to buy a pack of paper and...and immediately he said no, I don't want to buy paper, I'll just take yours. Well a little more patience and a firm no you won't, if you really want to try this you have to be responsible.
So now we agreed for two dollars if he sells any, I will address envelopes, and get stamps and mail them, but share the cost. He agreed and if this goes well, I will get him a table in the Spring and he can have his own table next to me-in case he gets frustrated. This little can actually do a lot more with origami, so I want to encourage it and also get him some colored paper to continue and gain more esteem, so hey contact me through if you want to order any from him. I have paypal. oh BTW, yesterday he offered to autograph his work. It was cute to watch. Now no one there knew his name, so if this works out for him, I could only allow him to sign his first name and last Initial. Thanks,
Don't Laugh at my Profits
At the very least, I did profit after all. Finally in my fourth year doing the same craft show I made a profit. I'll get to it in a minute, but you have to know a few things I did first.
First I listened. I listened to those who knew more than me, such as old crafters and someone who once told me, don't fall in love with your product. That can't be completely true for me, as I make things and I fall in love with the work as I now realize, but not the product. I do love what I make, the end result, but now, not enough that I have to be so firm on sticking to my prices. Every year I came home with what I brought except maybe two items. Not like other people, I never packed a lunch or snacks, but helped the church out by donating to all the soups, and snacks I ate. Money for sure would be better off with me, and I let them keep the change each time. This church is a very old church and fading fast so why not help thy neighbor as I'm sure they have done so in all the past years.
Now my profit. I sold my checkerboards for a lot less than what I wanted, my older signs which has some scratches,a buck each and my better signs for five each. All of those signs made some very happy. They got a bargain and I didn't carry them home again. In this economy, I too felt good in being able to sell an AMERICAN MADE product to people who, many had to watch spending. They loved my wooden boxes and benches too, and here is where I met a lady who I know had a very strong impact on me.
She loved my benches so much she asked if she could special order one. I never do that as I am just a person who can't commit.It feels too much then like "I HAVE TO". So I'm no longer making a product I simply enjoy making, but again, I have to. Now this lady at first appeared as if she wanted to talk, but in her eyes was an understanding, a kindness, and in her conversation she let me know what she did to succeed in business. I listened and listened some more, while writing a description of the bench I would make, and when I make this special bench I will show you. I Know I want to make this more than spacial, but with love for a Stranger. At the end of her talking to me, she suddenly smiled and said, I'm a cancer survivor. I can't tell you the emotional impact she had on me, not because of her telling me about being a Cancer survivor, but just something special in her eyes, and her face that made me change to making a commitment.
Oh the profit? Sorry, I do get off track. Forty-nine dollars! I say that with a smile. It was a two day event. Beside the profit, I did make back all the money I put into having three tables for both days,used a little for gas, spent, you won't believe it, about thirty five on food. One day for me, the second for myself and a child. A bowl of soup 2.25 I think prices were fair and the cooks were wonderful. But after three years and now here it is the fourth and BINGO 49.00! Determination and attitude. I know that I made a lot of people laugh and I dressed differently. Instead of my sloppy, I don't care jeans, I wore brown or black Khaki's with a light colored tee, did my hair a bit nicer, and finally made a difference. Next show 98.00? Smile.
The dress bag in the photo is a set with a nice blanket, and this bag is mainly for a child to putt issues in and have people come up to her and notice what an unusual bag she has, compliment her. The blanket is nice for the car, sofa or bed in addition to her regular blankets, and definitely nice for Spring. Off to sew some more.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Two Amazing Ladies Today
I was part of a craft show today at a very old church. I participated this time with a different attitude as far as believing I would see this time. Prior to going I remembered a few things some ladies told me from before, which would help, and went on line to look for more suggestions. I like the people that are part of that old church, maybe because I only see them once a year as they do me. If we really knew one another would we feel the same?
Okay, back on track. Today I found myself listen as well as sharing in getting to know vendors more and it the kind of thing that makes you remember how many people have the same or worse kind of life. Still the day was going well. I joked around with everyone, gave some things away, had a lot of cheapies and it was the cheapies that started it.
Here came a little lady who said, I'm buying all of these signs;I like signs. She grabbed six at a buck each. I said Five is good. She smiled then walked over to where I had more signs which were nicer at five each, still very inexpensive. The idea today was twofold, to not bring them home again, and also give someone a break in this economy. This lady started to tell me how she was visiting her daughter-in-law soon for a month as she was a grandmother and her grandchildren needed her and need to know her. Then she started to talk about God and the spiritual importance of connecting with your grandchildren and how her son wanted his mom to move out to Colorado with them. That she didn't want, but her home here is sold and she isn't too sure where she'll move, but she knows and has told me as much, as long as she keeps God in her life and prays, prays for those who need her and those who think they don't, she will be fine. AT the end she said, come see me, I live just over the hill and on. I smiled and said I would. I think I will.
It was less than an hour later another lady came along. She loved my benches, asked if she could order one. I never take orders, afraid to commit .
I know myself, yet as I stood looking at this lady who never, not for a second took her eyes away from mine, found myself starting to say, uh nnn..yeah sure. It was then we went over measures, colors, stencils, size and price-she said I was too cheap. She gave me a lot of wonderful advice to succeed much further in the coming year and I am going to take it. She told me of her life in business and how she really made it. Something about not only her words, butt fact that she never looked away, always had eye contact with me. I felt one moment when she was trying to see inside of me. Softly she continued to look at me and then say, I'm a cancer survivor. For the first time all day I was quiet. This lady was one of Two Amazing ladies who I was so very fortunate to meet.
Okay, back on track. Today I found myself listen as well as sharing in getting to know vendors more and it the kind of thing that makes you remember how many people have the same or worse kind of life. Still the day was going well. I joked around with everyone, gave some things away, had a lot of cheapies and it was the cheapies that started it.
Here came a little lady who said, I'm buying all of these signs;I like signs. She grabbed six at a buck each. I said Five is good. She smiled then walked over to where I had more signs which were nicer at five each, still very inexpensive. The idea today was twofold, to not bring them home again, and also give someone a break in this economy. This lady started to tell me how she was visiting her daughter-in-law soon for a month as she was a grandmother and her grandchildren needed her and need to know her. Then she started to talk about God and the spiritual importance of connecting with your grandchildren and how her son wanted his mom to move out to Colorado with them. That she didn't want, but her home here is sold and she isn't too sure where she'll move, but she knows and has told me as much, as long as she keeps God in her life and prays, prays for those who need her and those who think they don't, she will be fine. AT the end she said, come see me, I live just over the hill and on. I smiled and said I would. I think I will.
It was less than an hour later another lady came along. She loved my benches, asked if she could order one. I never take orders, afraid to commit .
I know myself, yet as I stood looking at this lady who never, not for a second took her eyes away from mine, found myself starting to say, uh nnn..yeah sure. It was then we went over measures, colors, stencils, size and price-she said I was too cheap. She gave me a lot of wonderful advice to succeed much further in the coming year and I am going to take it. She told me of her life in business and how she really made it. Something about not only her words, butt fact that she never looked away, always had eye contact with me. I felt one moment when she was trying to see inside of me. Softly she continued to look at me and then say, I'm a cancer survivor. For the first time all day I was quiet. This lady was one of Two Amazing ladies who I was so very fortunate to meet.
Yes, You Can buy ALL AMERICAN Products NOw
I know it may not be popular, but since our men and women are losing jobs because the big shots continue to let jobs go overseas. Here is how this year for the holidays you can make a step towards saving AMERICA.
Craft shows. YOU would be amazed at what they have, from clothes to useful products to fun items. Another way is give a grocery gift card, or pay a utility bill. Yes, I make and sell crafts, but that isn't why I say all of this. I don't make a living from it as some do, but most crafters work very hard at their product and you'll get a one hundred percent made AMERICAN product. Okay sometime crews and things like that come from China, but I am now searching for AMERICAN made screws-after all hasn't the government screwed enough AMERICANS-let's turn the tables by supporting our own AMERICANS, by really buying AMERICAN. Before you buy any product that you think is so great, call the company. You will see and hear, MADE IN CHINA.
I understand companies having to move to another state, but I don't get it moving to another country and then we buy that product after they sold out. Survival? BULL...plain old fashioned GREED.
Craft shows. YOU would be amazed at what they have, from clothes to useful products to fun items. Another way is give a grocery gift card, or pay a utility bill. Yes, I make and sell crafts, but that isn't why I say all of this. I don't make a living from it as some do, but most crafters work very hard at their product and you'll get a one hundred percent made AMERICAN product. Okay sometime crews and things like that come from China, but I am now searching for AMERICAN made screws-after all hasn't the government screwed enough AMERICANS-let's turn the tables by supporting our own AMERICANS, by really buying AMERICAN. Before you buy any product that you think is so great, call the company. You will see and hear, MADE IN CHINA.
I understand companies having to move to another state, but I don't get it moving to another country and then we buy that product after they sold out. Survival? BULL...plain old fashioned GREED.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Poor vs. Church Clicky People & School kids
I don't know why, but on the way home from a church tonight, no, not a service but setting up for a show, I notice the people who are there appear to all treat everyone the same. They were a mixture of old, young, middle aged, sizes, and wealth. Some had little and some had a lot more.
That brought my thoughts to a few churches I've been to, visited, and had membership with. I do sit back and watch, so not much of a participant, and honestly I believe because no one asks. I guess they have their own people, (CLICKY?)so maybe after you've attended about ten years you might be asked to do something. I know, sarcastic for sure, but it's hard to feel otherwise.
People also feel as I do for other reasons. An old friend and I were talking about this a few days ago. He told me as a grown-up in a new church with his family he just doesn't feel welcome. I asked about the service, minister, collections, handshakes and almost everything I know that goes on in churches. He told me the minister is a good guy, delivers fairly decent sermons that he can live with, and the collection plate comes at the same time, and shortly after that the minister tells people to greet your neighbor, shake hands and welcome them. He's even okay with that.
We then talked about the music and length of the service and how family centered the church is. He thinks they're okay too. The ax? He feels left out as does his wife. Recently he was laid -off and asked the church for help with a few utilities. He asked as he said he felt it was his place since he was the head of the family. But prior to this he felt left out . He said, this is just like when I was a kid, and everyone is so clicky. I agreed. My church had that too. The place you least expect it, you see it just as much as anywhere else. That welcome handshake? It's like saying, hello, you don't belong here so why bother?
He and I talked some more about this "feeling". Is it really them or is it us? Of course we agreed, it's them. He let me know about his church's latest announcement for a dinner and sign-up sheet for help. He actually with his wife took initiative and asked how they could help as he signed them up. He said we'd be happy to do trash and clean-up, peel potatoes, whatever is needed, so what job should we sign up for? You won't believe the answer. It was, hey you don't have to sign-up, we have regulars that do that. We all know each other and how we work, so you people just relax. Yup, that sure made them feel welcome and needed. While every one's name goes on that sheet, others see it too and do the"oh look at how they're helping again" and also the"why doesn't anyone else pitch in" comments.
Have you watched after the service too? Look who stands around talking to one another. How many people do you ever get introduced to?
See, you're different, in need, not as important, not from the area, not included, don't give as much, not as pretentious, don't have two incomes, and also you're treated differently depending on what your need is. If you're dying or very sickly..well you know how that goes. But the bottom line is, church is just like school.
Ask your kids who is noticed more in school. They'll tell you its the brains, and the trouble makers-wow I could have left out everything in the middle-maybe I will-I might go back and erase about five paragraphs because no one wants to know the truth about their church/them selves. Oh my friend recently started his own business, sadly due to his father passing away and leaving him a bundle. His father was well known and the church came together, had a funeral luncheon, and made many pleasantries about not only his father but my friend too. Now that was weird as my friend was fairly new to that church and they never took time to know him, buy yes, of course, his dad died and now the son came into a lot of money. He told me he'd like to start his won church and wants to name it , YOU really are welcome here. Yes, he thought he was being funny, but he never went back to the church again and did repay for the borrowed utility funds.
Now next time introduce your neighbors in church and make that connection, bring them into your circle, stop believing that so called class is how you dress, who you're married to, how much money you have, what you drive, how big your house is, where you buy your clothes, what your kids are doing or not, how fancy your hair and nails are, where you go on vacation, what kind of shoes you wear-all that means is you are fortunate, plain and simple. Sure you worked for it, but that doesn't change how people should be treated.
Class is who you are inside and it shows on the outside. We all walk different paths in life, the path we're meant to walk for a specific reason, so walk that path no matter where it is, how it is and with or without those material things, but walk it with pride and meaning. Make it count!
That brought my thoughts to a few churches I've been to, visited, and had membership with. I do sit back and watch, so not much of a participant, and honestly I believe because no one asks. I guess they have their own people, (CLICKY?)so maybe after you've attended about ten years you might be asked to do something. I know, sarcastic for sure, but it's hard to feel otherwise.
People also feel as I do for other reasons. An old friend and I were talking about this a few days ago. He told me as a grown-up in a new church with his family he just doesn't feel welcome. I asked about the service, minister, collections, handshakes and almost everything I know that goes on in churches. He told me the minister is a good guy, delivers fairly decent sermons that he can live with, and the collection plate comes at the same time, and shortly after that the minister tells people to greet your neighbor, shake hands and welcome them. He's even okay with that.
We then talked about the music and length of the service and how family centered the church is. He thinks they're okay too. The ax? He feels left out as does his wife. Recently he was laid -off and asked the church for help with a few utilities. He asked as he said he felt it was his place since he was the head of the family. But prior to this he felt left out . He said, this is just like when I was a kid, and everyone is so clicky. I agreed. My church had that too. The place you least expect it, you see it just as much as anywhere else. That welcome handshake? It's like saying, hello, you don't belong here so why bother?
He and I talked some more about this "feeling". Is it really them or is it us? Of course we agreed, it's them. He let me know about his church's latest announcement for a dinner and sign-up sheet for help. He actually with his wife took initiative and asked how they could help as he signed them up. He said we'd be happy to do trash and clean-up, peel potatoes, whatever is needed, so what job should we sign up for? You won't believe the answer. It was, hey you don't have to sign-up, we have regulars that do that. We all know each other and how we work, so you people just relax. Yup, that sure made them feel welcome and needed. While every one's name goes on that sheet, others see it too and do the"oh look at how they're helping again" and also the"why doesn't anyone else pitch in" comments.
Have you watched after the service too? Look who stands around talking to one another. How many people do you ever get introduced to?
See, you're different, in need, not as important, not from the area, not included, don't give as much, not as pretentious, don't have two incomes, and also you're treated differently depending on what your need is. If you're dying or very sickly..well you know how that goes. But the bottom line is, church is just like school.
Ask your kids who is noticed more in school. They'll tell you its the brains, and the trouble makers-wow I could have left out everything in the middle-maybe I will-I might go back and erase about five paragraphs because no one wants to know the truth about their church/them selves. Oh my friend recently started his own business, sadly due to his father passing away and leaving him a bundle. His father was well known and the church came together, had a funeral luncheon, and made many pleasantries about not only his father but my friend too. Now that was weird as my friend was fairly new to that church and they never took time to know him, buy yes, of course, his dad died and now the son came into a lot of money. He told me he'd like to start his won church and wants to name it , YOU really are welcome here. Yes, he thought he was being funny, but he never went back to the church again and did repay for the borrowed utility funds.
Now next time introduce your neighbors in church and make that connection, bring them into your circle, stop believing that so called class is how you dress, who you're married to, how much money you have, what you drive, how big your house is, where you buy your clothes, what your kids are doing or not, how fancy your hair and nails are, where you go on vacation, what kind of shoes you wear-all that means is you are fortunate, plain and simple. Sure you worked for it, but that doesn't change how people should be treated.
Class is who you are inside and it shows on the outside. We all walk different paths in life, the path we're meant to walk for a specific reason, so walk that path no matter where it is, how it is and with or without those material things, but walk it with pride and meaning. Make it count!
Nordic Sweaters
Worth every penny. I wish I had one, but for now I'll have to wait. Since my son is having his son in the Spring, I'll wait to buy him his first Norwegian sweater. No one can, in my opinion beat the design and warmth of a handmade Norwegian sweater. Go Norway!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Talents Left Unfounded...Until someone
Until someone discovers your talent, a person can go for years thinking he or she is without a particular talent. I've known someone for may years and it's only the past few years off and on that we had little chats here and there.
Neither that person nor I knew how great that talent is until a closer look, or second look saw just how much talent it took.When I mentioned it to the person, it was shrugged off as if anyone could do it. I know talent runs in the family, as well as brains and more, but it's those who appear indifferent to what they have or may not know they have, well, those talented people can soar and I expect will, to such unimaginable heights.
In mentioning this to that person, I recently received a response and once more was astounded. I sat and read, then read again at the writing, that persons written message. I remembered leaning back in my chair thinking, how, how does this go un-noticed-or maybe it didn't, but I just didn't know about it and I have to find out.
Within those written words is a heart of sincerity, kindness, selflessness, intelligence and a brain which will only grow to depths as anyone who has been touched in life by a God-given talent, a solid foundation of love and support, unconditional. I can only hope I am here for many more years to see that talent nurture, mature and grow into only what is meant to be. I am so thankful to know this wonderful person.
Neither that person nor I knew how great that talent is until a closer look, or second look saw just how much talent it took.When I mentioned it to the person, it was shrugged off as if anyone could do it. I know talent runs in the family, as well as brains and more, but it's those who appear indifferent to what they have or may not know they have, well, those talented people can soar and I expect will, to such unimaginable heights.
In mentioning this to that person, I recently received a response and once more was astounded. I sat and read, then read again at the writing, that persons written message. I remembered leaning back in my chair thinking, how, how does this go un-noticed-or maybe it didn't, but I just didn't know about it and I have to find out.
Within those written words is a heart of sincerity, kindness, selflessness, intelligence and a brain which will only grow to depths as anyone who has been touched in life by a God-given talent, a solid foundation of love and support, unconditional. I can only hope I am here for many more years to see that talent nurture, mature and grow into only what is meant to be. I am so thankful to know this wonderful person.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
holiday Shopping? Don't! I beg you please! Listen..
I know we all love to buy gifts for the holidays. It helps to put us in the spirit. A few things to keep in mind; do you believe in the reason for the season? If so, then that should help you cut down, and yes, I would love for you to shop from my blog or web site BUT the needs are different, BUT I will make a deal with any item you see, any!
You can't go to Macy's and make a deal, or a store on Rodeo drive. Yes, I know if you can afford that, you don't need deals. WE are in an Economical CRAPPER. OBama will say spend to help the economy which we all know, but does that really help your pocket? Easy for those guys in Washington to tell us anything. They have money, health insurance, don't pay into social security, get government paid apartments, gas entitlements, and all kinds of free crap. How dare they say they understand?
Please be careful shopping. think of your own stress and yes, even stay away from what is needed to keep you healthy! It is 8:01 Eastern time...ahhh, love this weather. Stay healthy, be happy, keep your money and BTW, look up your name at the state you live in, unclaimed property.
You can't go to Macy's and make a deal, or a store on Rodeo drive. Yes, I know if you can afford that, you don't need deals. WE are in an Economical CRAPPER. OBama will say spend to help the economy which we all know, but does that really help your pocket? Easy for those guys in Washington to tell us anything. They have money, health insurance, don't pay into social security, get government paid apartments, gas entitlements, and all kinds of free crap. How dare they say they understand?
Please be careful shopping. think of your own stress and yes, even stay away from what is needed to keep you healthy! It is 8:01 Eastern time...ahhh, love this weather. Stay healthy, be happy, keep your money and BTW, look up your name at the state you live in, unclaimed property.
Simmons Beautyrest, A Good Night's Sleep
I really do need a Simmons Beautyrest, but simply can't afford it. Some years ago I had a few back surgeries, and a doctor left a piece of plastic, blood vessel clips, and staples in my back, causing me to have another one a few years later to remove "something" I felt scratching me from the inside. No, I didn't sue. But in a way I wish I did so I could now have a SIMMONS BEAUTYREST!
YOU know how it is when you go to a hotel and seem to sleep better? Well each time I did I'd either forget to look at the kind of mattress I slept on, or just couldn't find the label, A Big Secret. One thing I noticed was, most hotels put their mattresses on a wooden platform, possibly for more support, less bounce, and longer durability?
So two years ago my son and I went to New York to see a Yankee Game, and as we were leaving after only five hours sleep, I yelled wait! I have to see the Mattress tag and swooped the mattress up by the handles, and finally, there it was. Simmons Beautyrest. My son stood there laughing as he said, because of how I picked the mattress up, but I was a determined woman and just had to know. You know how that is. Simmons! Take Me Away! I won't settle for less as twice I thought I bought the best. I got the mattress home, slept four nights, and the store took it back minus a hundred dollars I paid for another one. Still, I could have kept my old one. Nothing like the SIMMONS. Think of how many people sleep on those beds and how they hold up. Yes, I know they're made for hotels, but mine sure cant even come close. They all feel good at the store, know the rest of the story.
YOU know how it is when you go to a hotel and seem to sleep better? Well each time I did I'd either forget to look at the kind of mattress I slept on, or just couldn't find the label, A Big Secret. One thing I noticed was, most hotels put their mattresses on a wooden platform, possibly for more support, less bounce, and longer durability?
So two years ago my son and I went to New York to see a Yankee Game, and as we were leaving after only five hours sleep, I yelled wait! I have to see the Mattress tag and swooped the mattress up by the handles, and finally, there it was. Simmons Beautyrest. My son stood there laughing as he said, because of how I picked the mattress up, but I was a determined woman and just had to know. You know how that is. Simmons! Take Me Away! I won't settle for less as twice I thought I bought the best. I got the mattress home, slept four nights, and the store took it back minus a hundred dollars I paid for another one. Still, I could have kept my old one. Nothing like the SIMMONS. Think of how many people sleep on those beds and how they hold up. Yes, I know they're made for hotels, but mine sure cant even come close. They all feel good at the store, know the rest of the story.
Mattresses. Beautyrest,
Monday, November 1, 2010
Steelers and Tea Pic. 5:37 P.M.
First, this cup. It came with a NY lunch with my daughter and CD...from J's buddy, D. Thank you D. CD? I am still enjoying the pop rocks! Good things, I savor the flavor, oh yeah.
Ahh that time of year again, making 'stuff". You know for kids, holidays, gifts, craft shows, travel as in my bag sets which come with a pillow for your neck. That achey space that nothing seems to work, well my pillows are just right. So cover up, cuddle up, and pack it up in that awesome bag you see on my web site doozybags. com
You'll also have to look at my blog as I have just sold the baseball set. Everything I make at this point will be shown on my blog.
Thank you good people. Doozybags
Pittsburgh Steelers,
Almost Twin Wristlets Green Dots 7.00 PIC.
Now aren't they cute? The sizes are close and they are lined with muslin, triple stitchen. Sizes are10x7 3/4 and 8 x 9 1/4
Okay off to sew some more, later
Green Polka Dot bag, PIC.blanket & Pillow Set
Thursday's Color, blanket is 42x42 with a nice small pillow, 11 x 10 for the neck car, or small child, and a draw-string bag for t all. The Bag has a pocket inside, is sized 17 x 19 all triple stitched and hand-made in PA. USA
Support AMERICA!!! This set is 34.50
Support AMERICA!!! This set is 34.50
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