Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Door Repair Held Ron Myrnes 717-887-4219

       Good Morning after the storm. Just a short note which I knows appears to be of no significance when we are aware of the destruction all around us, mainly the East Coast. However I wanted to pass along to local people this man's name  his number and the kind of work he does, yes again. You know how it is; When there is something good, or someone good you want to share, pass along the good news. Well Ron repaired a front steel door so the wind no longer blows through. I have had a few people who when here said, you'll have to get a new door, and a whole lot more. Yes, just looking for a huge payout. I can't afford that, and was very fortunate to find Ron Myrnes. He works with my time and budget and I am so grateful.
     With the winds we had the past few days, I was waiting for some part to be loosened, but nope, nothing. tight and sealed wind zone free. Now that's the kind of home repair guy you want. He is on your side, not a corporation, but just one man. 717-887-4219

Monday, October 29, 2012

Are you on-line? HELP, not me

     Help those who can't be or get on line. Help those who don't have cell phones or can't charge them with a car charger. I've heard so much the past few days where news type people are telling the citizen to check blah blah blah dot com, but not everyone is on line ! Not everyone is wireless! Not everyone has a cell phone !
    I can take care of myself and prepare well, but I think about those who can't. People all over are being told to evacuate. But where do they go when they don't have either family, money, a car or a way to get to the centers. Mass transit is shut-down in many places, so what do those people do who are, have become dependent on taking a train or a bus. Not everyone is looking out for those who don't have the necessities to look out for themselves. So knock on doors, Make yourself available but keep safe doing it.
   Yesterday a kid here asked me, would I help the people next door. He actually wasn't talking about the neighbors who over the years constantly encroach on my property, but the nicer people who take immaculate care of their property but have shown something of  a stern attitude when kids trespass or pick things from their property. Well he got a big yes from me, and  I would if needed help the not so nice people, because there but for the Grace of God.....Do what you can.
Stay safe.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ron Myrnes, Best Repair AROUND-717-887-4219 York

       I almost wish for a first time that Christmas wasn't coming so soon. I'd continue to make home improvements. That's what this is all about, not simply that I needed these doors, walls, holes patched, warps lined up and a new screen door, but it makes sense to be practical, and what a great feeling it is.
       Ron has been working here as I can budget repairs and how many men will take on jobs like that. He's helped me, planned, explained this and that, cost of new verses repair/recycle the old. Ten times out of ten, repair the old makes more sense that to go out and buy new. New as we know is rarely as good as the old.
       When we talk quality we have to use Ron Myrnes and quality repair in the same sentence. Precision counts with Ron. I watched again off and on without wanting to be a pain, as he fixed my very old front door. The frame was out of line, the door sloped and about twenty-dollars a month of cold air leaked through when the wind blew up here on a hill.
       You know how some people just don't trust what repairmen are doing, lean over their shoulders, always in and out, well not here and never, ever necessary with this man. He explained the how and why my door was the way it was, and how he was fixing it. I enjoy knowing because I just like woodworking, but never because of a lack of trust. I would leave and allow Ron in my house to do his work and was going to one day but forgot to move my car, and hate to bother people. This guy really gets involved in his course of action.
       Presently I need a new front storm door, but when I checked prices plus installation for the same door, it cost about four hundred, maybe a little over. A big wrought iron storm door, Ron looked it over,let me know what kinds of things he could do to make it new, replace the whole top glass section, fix the screen inset, re-line the door and paint it, I knew I would have one of those better than new things people always talk about, and of course won't hand out his estimate, but each time a repair comes up, I am gently surprised at his honestly.
     Honesty comes in many forms. It's the work, the quality, the knowledge, if cost effective, and of course it goes without saying the kind of person you are letting into your home. Ron Myrnes treats my home with respect as if it were a palace.
     So now I won't be adding to the local dump, but renewing, and my kitchen cabinets that I've wanted for so long, you know the pretty cottage type with glass, Ron said that too was do-able. Me? I tried to paint one-shivers-then he let me know how it should be done, like a professional, like  a man who knows his trade. He doesn't need my business, but I need his character, quality, and know how. I can't wait to get started again after the holidays.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Obama helped Florida ? What About Chicago?

       So what about Chicago? I see continuous news about the poor shape Chicago is still since He took office.(please don't single out one area) Look I am not a political person, but lately I've found myself paying more attention. I do get a lot of Obama hate type mail and that I delete. Some I think is just plain racist and I don't care what gender or color of who is in office only that they are true Americans, do what they swore to do, keep God in this country, support all religions, not take Prayer day out but support their own on the white house lawn, on and on.
       Florida is a political powerhouse, a swing state, so is that why Obama helped them out so readily, a few times ?
        Why do we have so many gangs in Chicago, Los Angles and New York, other big cities ? Is it Education, or the lack of it, the fact that guns and drugs are so freely bought and sold. Is it the lack of jobs? It's all of them for sure. Busy people don't have time to get into trouble and usually busy people are happier and healthier people. I have a kid here who warns people, well if I can't work,(he's too young) I'll probably get in trouble and yes, he'll suffer the consequences, but so will society. It cost money to arrest, go to court, fine and house a criminal.
        But people without an education, without a self-supporting job in too many cases turn to drugs, alcohol and negative actions. They look for guns, women sell them selves, support pimps and drugs, and are sold to innocent children  and innocent children are sold. Our schools have police walking the halls !!! What in Gods name is wrong with this ?
     Well Obama and anyone else, as you see society has worsened and no, I am not blaming it all on Obama. It takes time to have the society we now have and just maybe if we have a new president in office, one whose spiritual views are, well, just are, we may bring God back. Then again maybe we need a mom in office? Who will protect our children?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Obama, Biden Lied about Lybia !

     You can't fool all the people all of the time, unless you are a die hard Democrat with blinders on. Some on Bidens' team are saying Obama didn't know because he wasn't in touch with security. That is crap! Pure dirty crap !
   Bob Cooper a congressman from Tennessee spoke about this today, stated Obama is riding on getting Bin laden. But why is it he did not protect our embassy where four people were killed and one was dragged through the streets.
   Even within five days it was confirmed that this was not a sudden protest or because people were mad about a film against Muslims, but it WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK!!! Yet Obama still denies, still lies as does his smiling partner Biden.
    How does Obama get away with it? The same way Clinton got away with defiling the white house with Monica? How does Biden get away with it? I guess they can pardon one another, but pardon me Mr. President, I hope the American people don't pardon you, wake up and make to sure to Vote for anyone else on election day, before an attack on the American Embassies all over are attacked  and you didn't hear from security-again. No excuses everyone; what if that was your son or daughter in that Embassy?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Breath Change=Diabetes?

    1st woman---    Surprising for sure. I am lucky enough to stay home and watch Dr. Oz and just heard a story about a change in your breath. If you suddenly taste nail polish remover, sweet  and or tarty, get checked for diabetes. This woman also passed out, urinated more and needed more to drink as well as wanting sweets but remember the taste, a change in your breath. The last part is what we never hear about.
   Second woman Facial Hair, a Hair on her chest, fatigue, back pain=Ovarian Cancer! Her tumor was the size of a fetus undetected for two years.

    Vision change in third woman while driving. Dr. made her get an MRI Immediately-She had a stroke!  Act FAST (take two aspirin)
                       Arm & Leg
                       Time-911 get to a hospital that handles in stroke survival-prior to the doctor visit she waited a week, no vision issues and went to the doctor for unrelated issues, casually mentioned the vision loss. She is now on an aspirin regimen.

Memory.. tests for & retrieval-Three ways to know you are losing your memory.
       1.    using too much technology-use luminosity brain trainer

       2.    Your brain & menopause-why does this appear to be all about women?-
       3.    Weight change/gain  adds to memory loss.

On a personal note MEN also go through male o pause, use too much technology and gain weight but for men it's ends up being called, work, middle age crisis, and being happy. Bull-only

Oz has a posted memory quiz on his site

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Driftwood Embroidery York, Pa.

      Are you looking for a special gift, such as Tee-shirts with a family name on them, or hats, sweats, jackets and more. Well local to where I live I have used and am very happy with Driftwood Embroidery.  Please do more than check out his web site, give him a call. I make tote bags and children's blankets and this family company has done a great job adding Doozybags to the bags I made so I know first hand. It was done with style, and anywhere the name wasn't hidden due to my own error of closing every opening up, the name was well trimmed on the back-side. People loved the embroidery and the price was much better than other such businesses.
     Driftwood Embroidery is located at 1413 West Philadelphia street York, Pa.17404 and their phone contact is 717 764-2297
    You can contact this great company by e mail at David@Driftwoodembroidery  This is one experience you'll be happy you had.
  Well I am back to making more bags for spring and will again be returning to Driftwood embroidery.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Morning in New York

       Waking up on a Sunday morning in New York is unlike anywhere else. It's peaceful. Yes many places are peaceful, but unlike New York, those places are peaceful more often than not.
    Venetian blinds are a usual sight so waking brings into a room lines of light and dark. It's only knowing where that comes from you get up, pull the cord and change to darkness and back to bed. Now an hour later you wake as dawn approaches and quietly, as quiet as the morning, you brush your teeth, get dressed and go out.
    Coffee is waiting at a small local diner. The morning is still. The clatter of dishes from behind the counter disturbs your morning calm. You are sitting by the window watching. An old man with his dog whimpers along. He has a scruffy tweed beard. His old dog is also black and white. Yes you think they do look alike. He notices you looking at him in the window and offers a smile. You in turn barely offer one back as you catch your reflection in the window.
   You are alone. In the reflection you notice others walk into the diner. Couples comes in whispering, sitting down holding hands. People also come in alone, but with the Sunday morning paper for company and still other singles come in, order and leave. They see you and know you're alone. They think you're alone and surely lonely.
       As you sit you notice the morning is changing. The shadows move from one side of the street to the other and suddenly your breakfast is before you,  juice , a cheese omelet and an onion bagel. You already had a hot cup of coffee and now you hear, hey honey, how bout' another cup. Nodding yes, she pours and then you remember last night.
    Last night you promised yourself this was going to be your last Sunday morning in New York.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

My Texan & a Flat Tire

       Out the door and anxious for some alone time, I was on the way to another area, letting the kiddo have some overnight friend time, and  then I heard it, flub, flub, the smacking sound of a flat tire. My first thought was, crap I just let my AAA expire as I changed lanes to get out of the way. Almost jumping from his car and what a car it was, he said looks like you need your tire changed. He just took charge. What a feeling. In my truck and then into his to get a bigger jack, he just talked on and on, about coming up to see his son.
      I looked back and forth at his car, a bright metallic orange with about six chrome speakers in the vehicle and in the truck. It was not just a work of art, but of love. He then told me he did it all, that, that's what he does for a living. Everything about this whole presence was unique. His attitude, his car and his look, all as one. He stood about five-foot five, short dark hair, arms covered with tattoo's, sunglasses and a smile that never stopped. When he was finished he offered to call Pepboys for me, but I was close so I just went over, but not before I offered him something for going out of his way to help me.
     Hands spread out and backing away, he said no, no ma mm, no thank you ma mm, I didn't stop for that. Y'all have a good day now and hopped in his care and took off.
       I ended up at pep boys who had a two hour wait, much more expensive tires, and then to another tire place, same thing. Finally as I knew I was going to AAA to reinstate my card, I stopped in at Goodyear. Again, good service a less expensive tire and finally arrived at AAA.
       The events of the day left me a bit flustered as the boy with me thankful about the guy stopping too, but then expectations set in, and an attitude followed that. We stopped at Sub-way to get him a foot long and he asked if I was mad. No, I explained I was upset at his attitude when he let me know how he disapproved at not having lunch immediately after the tire was changed . He just shrugged his shoulders.
     This is some of what I chatted about last night-that moment of pleasure. I guess we all take in things differently. That moment of pleasure for me, changing a tire, a stranger stopping, wouldn't accept a dime, no strings attached just stays longer. I remember his face vividly and that he was from Texas, so Mr. Texas, I doubt we'll meet again, but I'll be sure to repay what you did for me today to someone else, maybe not in the same situation, but someone who just needs that feeling of a Texan in shining armor.

Mr. Nicholas F. Vitalo


This morning I felt like writing most of the day, and have blogged here and there, also tweeted, yet now I just feel a memory. A memory of Mr. Vitalo. It's the weather and knowing how much I wanted to just pop off and drive to New York last night. But I made a prior commitment earlier in the evening to a kid to have a visit with friends, and so I must be available.
      October is a wonderful time to travel, get out and ride your bike, take a drive, take pictures and think about love. Well It's always a good time to think about love. People who know me know all about Mr. Vitalo and I've written about him many times early in my blog. No matter how long it's been since I've seen him, it just doesn't feel that way. It feels fresh. The memories that is.
     At times I can still smell a slight hint of his cologne, but more than that, I hear his voice and I see his walk. I remember the dance, a dance I will never ever forget and will always cherish.
      In the quiet of daylight, a phone call shook my being so much that it felt like an earth quake. As I listened to his daughter tell me of his passing, I crumbled, alone in a small room. But as a person who is usually tries to remain calm, I contained my feelings, but remained sitting for some time. A few weeks later I went to see his wife, daughter and grandson.
     That awful emptiness shattered my insides like broken glass. I tried. I really tried to stay almost stoic. After all what right did I have to break down in front of his wife. But I did and it was she and his daughter who told me it was okay, that they cried enough. He left an emptiness that can't be described, but is surely felt by everyone he touched.
     Before I left that day I leaned from my car seat, reached down as I did other times when my daughter was present, and stole a little rock. Every visit to his home, I took a rock or rocks. My daughter thought it was kind of cute, but for me, in a way, it's adds a bit more to the memories. I have those rocks on the kitchen shelf, one in my car, in  basket and one on my bedside table, and when I leave or enter a room, I softly touch that rock and say, Thank you Mr. Vitalo. You were the person in my young life that made it worth it, made me think I had things to look forward to.
       You Mr. Vitalo, were the biggest rock of all.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Cheese, a Moments Pleasure according to..

            Let me tell you about cheese. I love it, but I've decided to cut down. Either way tonight I saw a pizza commercial with this kiddo here and he decides to make a big deal out of how cheese is just an emotion for the moment, that you eat it and it feels good and then whoosh goes away.
      Well I went into a big thing about how he and I, on a spur of the moment went out to a convenient store so I could treat him to chips and ice cream. I also bought chocolate milk earlier in the day for the both of us. I'm learning, that I am still learning he just can't be pleased. For me the cheese, well in this case ice cream and chips was more about eating , it was about the unexpected excitement in telling a kid, hey let's go pick up some snacks, the cold air, an unexpected ride at eight-thirty, joking with the store clerk, and me, I bought Swedish fish.
    Yet he went on with what appeared to be an argument about a moments pleasure then it's all gone no matter how I presented it. Finally I said, well then it just isn't worth it if this is what you not only get out of it, but turn around and give back, a discussion about, only a moments pleasure. I  then went and finished off the chocolate milk for another moments pleasure and looking forward to the morning when he will ask for more chocolate milk. My pleasure will have continued as I see his face when I tell him, nah, I hate to tease you with just a moments pleasure, after all that is how you see it, right?

Who IS Melvin ?

        A couple of days ago my foster son came home, went outside quickly to use his PS Vita, then came back in to ask about going to his friends house. "What friend", I asked. Well he told me, Melvin. I started thinking, who was this Melvin kid ? I don't remember hearing his name, so as I scrambled my thoughts on names of his friends, he went to and came out of his room, winter jacket, hockey stick and a smile ready to go out. Again he asked, "so can I go?"
Well where does he live, and the kiddo answered as he pointed at the same time, right across the road in that yellow house.
      Again I was thinking about the family in the yellow house. I knew them and as he suggested he wanted to play basketball, I knew they had a basketball hoop and one of the boys had Downs syndrome, but I couldn't remember either his name or his older brother's. So I just said well okay, but be careful crossing the road. He couldn't hold it in any longer. "There is no Melvin, I just made it up", he said.  He enjoys doing this and I told him then, I will get you back for that, always testing me.
      Later That night I e-mailed the school and asked if when my kid went to the bathroom the instructor could prep the other kids who are few, to welcome the new student, Melvin, when he returns-from the bathroom. Then I called the guidance counselor, left a message explaining and could she call him Melvin.
   Well the results were this : The male teacher who is a kind of specific instructor only said to him, so what's with this Melvin stuff? What a duh he is ! Now the guidance counselor passed him in the hall and said, hi Melvin. He did a quick neck breaking turn of his head. YEA for guidance counselors ! That other guy, the one is specialized? No life in him at all. Life is short have some fun. Melvin left for school happy this morning. More on Melvin later.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Larry Hagman 81, a Vegan? Cancer saving effects

   Okay I have to report this. Not one for usually believing what I hear but I have been on this since, well a long time. Larry Hagman who many won't know, but many will had throat cancer ten years ago. Linda Gray his co-star  on Dallas,  an old TV show came to his aid right away. Practically sitting on him she changed his life and probably saved it until when, we don't yet know as he is alive and doing great.
   Linda Gray started making Vegan shakes, and Larry drank them. He stated what else can you do when you can't eat? You can drink and drink he did. He gives all the credit to a vegan way of life and of course Linda Gray who brought this to him. He is now battling cancer again. I didn't hear if he went off the vegan life or what the complete story was, but can imagine he did go off it as he then said, Linda is here again and I know what I'll be drinking, now hoping for another thirteen years of life. Good Vegan heath to you Larry !

Justin"grab his Crotch" Bieber

      No, I am not being a hater as people may think. But I just saw a clip of the Bieber boy doing a dance and grabbing his crotch. It wasn't like some crotch grabbers where they reach down and slide a hand near their pencils.
   Honestly I hoped and thought, even prayed the crotch grabbers would finally know what's there. Usually grabbing their pied piper starts and ends in babytime, errupts again in the private teens time years.
   Doesn't anyone say anything and why is it the thing to do, or grab I should ask? When will it stop? Maybe biology was a missed class, or a failed class since so many have turned to searching for that middle line. I suggest on their next physical check-ups, doctors give a road map to the little pecker-heads. No pun intended. Role Models they are not and I don't mean to pick on or single out the Bieber kid as many oldsters do the same. Justin does seem to be a nice kid, with a lot of fame and money. I just wish he'd get diaper rash or something so he stops that greedy grabbing. Time to change channels..uh oh, there he is again. Boy that kid is popular.

The Lone Bike Rider-Patience Please

One Road, One Lone Rider

                                                                 After an  appointment today I ended up on a country road close to home and then I noticed the fast pedal of a rider. As I inched closer I saw the bent over shape that I became familiar with. I am fairly certain the rider was a he, but never sure. All riders look alike to me with the exception of my son Mike. I could pick him out in the middle of New York.
      This rider wore Yellow with a few black markings and in the sunlight, his suit of armor stood out. A helmet, sturdy to protect his head, was white with blue and black stripes. He turned and considering we both had sunglasses on, an understanding, a connection if you will, was made. My car leaned to the left as I gave him enough space of safety since he turned to look at my oncoming car. I felt a sense of things being right as I watched him disappear in my rear view mirror.
      When I got home, I went to my room where I house my Specialized bike, a gift from my kids to help restore my youth, and health of course. I dusted off the seat, then checked out my carrier straps. I made a promise alone with my bike. Prioritize better. Get back on my bike and feel the wind. It won't matter how fast or slow I go. My bike will know; I'm back in the saddle, so will my mind.
        I remembered too how I bragged about starting a plant based way of life, how great I felt and it wasn't just a loss of weight but emotionally I felt as if not only did things not bother me as before, but my attitude changed. Then I stopped both, used carpel tunnel and rotator cuff issues as an excuse. There was another factor; I was dealing with a teen who left me feeling lifeless, and I changed. Instead of keeping the focus on my health, I kept it on his. That didn't work as I then became home bound, somewhat depressed, and left without motivation. He has moved as was his pattern and now I am back to being me.
      But it took my son's bike race, reminders of how his eating habits changed, his weight loss, his baby boy on his Strider Hot Walk, and todays' one Lone Rider. The next time you see a group of riders or one lone rider, have patience please, after all he or she is doing what you probably can't or won't and changing the ozone at the same time. Talk about re-cycle. It isn't made any more clear than that.


Now You Know, Kids, Education and Home

       Short sleeves in this weather? Yes, that how both my son and myself went out one day as his wife asked her husband, don't you want a jacket? He said, "no and look at my mom, now you know where I get it from." But the fact is we are both bigger sized people and aren't affected by the cold as much as many others, at least not yet.
        It was great having them here and time with my son is rare now since he lives so far away. We have quite a bit in common and education  as well as well behaved children are just two of our bonds. Having a foster son, my son talks to him about education. Traditional school is not liked by many kids, so now we have computers and kids doing classroom work at home. Good?
       I guess we won't know until all of the results are is. Other questions to be asked is, do these kids get enough socialization and to them does it even matter?
Would we put teachers out of work? No. What they do in a building can be done in their own building, called home. It does however save the environment, as in gas. It saves time, wear and tear on a vehicle and we don't have to worry about snow! Yea, snow ! I love the winter. Well sorry folks this will be continued later as I have an appointment, but we will talk. Please take a few moments to see my other blog if you haven't already... subjects important to me at...   P.S. I know some teachers who would love to work at home. Wouldn't you ?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Announcing ConsumerCosta

       Good Morning Everyone

            I have just started a new Blog titled ConsumerCosta which as it sounds will be mainly about products we all use or want to know about. My first post which will appear at ten this morning is about Gildan tee-shirts.
            It's a very simple link and I checked out the site this morning. I bought white tee-shirts at AC MOORE when on sale which I didn't know about when I went it. I went in to but transfer paper. As some of you may know, I have a book coming out in the Spring, The Jelly Bean Forest. In preparation for that I am making tee-shirts with pictures on it from the book.
        So on the way to the paper I see a big sale for shirts, stop and pick one up. It was a GILDAN.  I felt it and knew I found a better product for tee-shirts, one that young females could comfortable wear, so moms and dads, this is the thickness you want for your children as well as the quality.
     Please take a few minutes to check out their site as they offer more than tee-shirts. Also look for sales in your community. Don't forget, GILDAN! That's the Brand you want, a quality product  for quality people.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Underarmour Clothing, Worth it?

      I was thinking about clothes over the weekend and did talk to my son about it. As a guy who races bikes and more, in all kinds of weather I remembered he told me about some specific type of protective clothing he wears. Yes, It called Under armour. He not only races, but bikes just about every day and any chance he gets. So he told me about certain socks which I just don't remember now. Well I brought up the fact that a young guy in my home now tells me he only wears under armour clothes. As a child in care who has a monthly clothing allowance, my answer was a simple okay.
      Little did I know. I listened as he told me about the cost and then fell through the floor. I am not a person who spends a lot on clothing or footwear so this was a culture shock. Again I went to my son. He raced this past weekend and then showed me; Mom, look this is what I have on now, under armour. It will keep me warm and dry and it breathes. He gave me a good talk, full of information and a new outlook.  the company also has outlets and that where I'll be buying this kiddo here his new clothes. He wears them to school,  during play and sports, matches all items from top to bottom and he takes good care of them too. As much as he protects them, they protect him, a product worth the price.

Trouble With The Curve & Taken 2

       Do you know what's it's like to sit on the edge of your seat watching a movie, and feeling like you're right there? Well that's how it was tonight watching both Taken 2 and Trouble With the Curve.
     I took a teenage by with me as he was supposed to go out with someone who canceled on him, so off we went. When I arrived at the movie I wanted to go to, Frank Theatres, they were closed. In my haste to leave and having checked the time, I didn't look close enough for an exact location. So I quickly turned the car around and went to a theatre closer to me. Definitely not a Frank Theatre, but good enough and The Trouble With the Curve was playing too.
    Paying for tickets for Taken 2 I never said a word to the boy about seeing a second movie. Once inside, anxious, checking my time for the show to start I thought about my son Mike, how we always liked the same movies. Liam Neeson stared in this and other movies my son and I saw. It was Mike who called me from Nebraska to tell me, "Mom you have to see Taken!" I did and now I saw Taken 2. Packed with an unexpected twist, but so cool, I was very glad I went. Lots of action, cars smashing, faces smashed and Liam winning. Nothing like Justice.
     Finally it ended and we left to get a sandwich before home. Then I said to this kid, so ya wanna see, Trouble With The Curve? He snapped his head around, yeah!!! We went in, and the theatre was empty. It stayed that way throughout and we yelled back and forth, got up and danced and laughed. This is a movie everyone should see. It gets as many stars as a family movie can get. Clint Eastwood, still is a very good actor, and his co-stars, Justin Timberlake and the young lady who played Clint's daughter were simply very believable. I was surprised by Justin Timberlake and enjoyed his acting ability.
      This movie, The Trouble with The Curve, shows how some people really do get what they deserve and no, I won't say who and what I mean. So go, get up and go see it. You'll be glad you did. It was a good day.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Iron Cross Bike Race Pennsylvania

       Have you ever attended a bike race, much less been an active participant in any way at all? I haven't. I've listened to my son talk about them, watched him at his bike shop, well the one he buys his bikes from,, in Omaha Nebraska and heard both he and his wife talk about the bike community. (They even bought a little bike for his one year old son's birthday last year. At eighteen months he now walk/rides it. That too was bought at and little Declan gets on, tries to put his helmet on and knows dad has to fasten it and off he goes, part of an early entry into a world he will always be part of.)
        Yesterday, my understanding of the bike community changed as I saw and heard it all, from a different perspective. Now I have a new respect for all of the men and women who do this, live and aspire to enjoy a better way of life.
       It started with the family getting up early enough to watch my son Mike pack his bike gear, along with his Puglsey, a heavy bike with fat tires onto the back of his vehicle. He checked his tires, had extra co/2's in case of a flat if not for himself for anyone who might need it. In his package prep bag he had energy bars, a three different bottles, one water, one for extra electrolytes, and I just can't remember the third bottle, along with extra clothes, heavier socks and a rain jacket which appeared to be a very slim piece of shelter.
         Out the door we went stopping for coffee, a breakfast sandwich, gas, and off we rode into the hour long ride to a place I haven't been to in years,Micheaux state Park also combined with Pine Grove Furnace ( a park) and Caledonia State park .  These three parks touch one into another so you can't tell which way is in or out, as I found out later in the afternoon.
          Finally I arrived. What I was met with was a large parking lot with all kinds of men as far as sizes and ages and their bikes. There were also women too, happily for me to see. I watched just about every guy do the same as my son Mike was doing. Checking and rechecking, warming up, signing in, checking bags for wives to take to the sign-in post. These plastic bags were filled with water bottles, energy bottles and snacks that would be waiting at certain check points. There would be four altogether and my sons' wife, their baby son and myself would stop there to see the riders fly by. The bags were brought to the check points earlier by drivers to make sure to meet the riders.
        As Kelly, MIkes wife Declan and I hopped into the van, we stopped at the roadside check points and saw the riders as they rode past, hopped up a rocky incline, one with a tree so near I am surprised that no one smacked into that tree. They were coming down the gravely road and about to make an unseen hard left into the woody trail. This left turn was barley visible, only noticed by a small yellow arrow. Thank goodness someone stood out front, well a few someones yelling, hard left,and pointing with hands and arms. As we stood a few zipped past the arrow.
         As that hard left was right before me I noticed a big hole, then a tree stump sticking out, so if a rider didn't see that immediately, he or she would have hit hard and flew backwards. Some did see it and jumped, but most only saw it at the last moment and had to come only a few inches from the tree to get onto the wooded path filled with more limbs and rocks. Seeing this, I wondered about my son and did he have more protection because of his Heavy Pugsley? I hoped and prayed so.
         Back in the van and on, we were told about Larry's tavern, that people could stop and get a beer. I want to pee. This was the first of what I was to learn was part of how this bikers community, communicated. The tavern, was just a car with a cooler of beer, high up surrounded by trees and waiting for bikers to pass. During that break I noticed men and women walking off in different directions to use the outdoor restrooms. Me? No way. I was afraid if I was to squat with my bad knees, I would fall over backwards, not able to get up and, well you can imagine help with that. I waited until the end.
      After the final stop my daughter-in-law got out, baby in his pack, all snugly and warm who had been fed the natural way, was happiest of all. Arriving at the last stop, the van driver wasn't sure if restrooms were close by and drove me down to where they were. Hiking back up to the top where food was, I tasted what I haven't have before in a burrito, black beans, rice, shredded chicken and
some kind of sauce. It was delicious. We sat outside and the baby ate from Kelly's burrito enjoying it as naturally as if he ate it every day. That's the natural baby. Finishing off with Moms milk, he slept.
    All around us stood the Bike atmosphere, all for one and one for all. What a camaraderie? Everyone had something in common. It was too long before I saw Mike riding in on his Pugsley, happy, satisfied and hungry, I felt like he came in first place. It was more than happiness for me to watch him ride it, it was pride and maybe a bit of envy. His wife ran to meet him, as I inched my way down the side of a hill and watched and listened to him talk to the greeter and a few guys who were giving him congrats,  a good job and more. He was happy, his wife was proud and the baby asleep. They talked about his Pugsley, how he rode, his fat tires and the challenge. It was about the challenge, not all of it, but also about the family. A biking family of men and women who look out for each other, cheer each other on and enjoy a way of life many just don't get, but I do, now I do. I am proud of you Michael, so very proud.

A Baby's Natural Life, all smiles.

      This last week spent with my son has been wonderful.  I've noticed how he feeds his eighteen month old son, as well as his wife and he both eat as natural with foods and beverages as possible.
      This is a baby who loves broccoli, oatmeal, and all things without sugars and artificial foods and or colors, and absolutely no additives. He is also a breastfed baby. Without mom here for a few days and traveling  a two day drive, he drinks almond milk and dad has packed as many natural food snacks for the both of them. I'm all for it. When I was introduced to Forks over knives, I did great and felt emotionally better, all around happier. My sleep and my attitude both changed for the better. With a few changes, stressors I went back to my old eating habits, gained back six or seven pounds, but am now back on a Plant based way of eating.
     Something else changed this week, visits to the park. That little baby boy and his dad love the park. Now here I am going along and not having walked a lot in a very long time, much less hike, we covered it all and more which will be in my next blog about the Iron Cross race in Pa. which can be viewed on/at
     Walking through trails the little guy stopped, touched plants, felt mud, touched rocks, picked up sticks, splashed in water , not meant for that in this weather but his shoes kept him dry, and it was happiness written all over his face, in his eyes and the warm hugs and smiles he gave everyone.
     After this week, I see why this baby is so very happy. He is truly the happiest baby I ever saw and not because I'm his grandmother, but because his happiness spreads like sunshine. He eats natural foods, is breastfed, gets a lot of outdoor time in parks and get this, he rides his Specialized Hotwalk bike! bought at It's a two wheel, no seat for now, does not have training wheels, so he actually puts on a helmet and gets on by himself and walks it. He knows what this bike is meant for as he's been on it many times. With that, he gets in a baby buggy type-thing attached to his dad's bike and they go out just about every day for a ride, a Bike way life.
    Now if that isn't a good life, a happier and healthier life, then the rest of us are completely lost.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

PhotoElectric Smoke Detectors A Plus

     Have you checked your fire alarms lately, known as smoke detectors? I have too and it works. Those that many of us have are called ionized. In a home filled with smoke they also don't go off too many times. You can check it by hand, or have some smoke due to a pot on the stove burning, but when the kids are sleeping and a home is filling with smoke what do you want to have as a measure of safety?
     Please buy a photoelectric alarm. Leave the old one up if you choose. But don't wait another day.
     After viewing  a real life incident on television and a newscaster asking a tech in the government about why Government still allows those older models to be put out on shelves. The answer is the same-money.
     Four children died in one fire because the older model did not work in a real fire.
                   Remember the name Photoelectric. When you look into a family album and see the growth  of your children who survived a fire, it was because you took action and changed your fire alarm systems, Photoelectric.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Soaps? Colognes? What's you favorite? Tell me

     Well in a few more hours my son will be here with his baby boy and baby's new haircut, a Mohawk. In the past so many years I have become more aware about the environment, what I bring in and what I throw out. This brings me to soap. One soap favorite I always used was IVORY. Maybe because it was a childhood brand. It did make my skin feel very tight and now at this age I am loading up on it. Hey ,a cheap face lift?
     So off and on I have house guests of the male persuasion. They all like different brands. Since most are young teens they seem to prefer, AXE. AXE in everything, cologne, soap, body wash, and what ever else AXE produces. It does smell very nice.
      More recently a kid asked me about Old SPICE! Wow! That is old-Old Spice, but some older names appear to be coming back. The fragrance lingers longer-now I own that it.  If not go get it. It also doesn't cost half of your pay check.  Check out ENGLISH LEATHER or Brut along with all of the Old Spice selections. Drakar is also a very nice one with Obsession for men.

     I used to(still do) love to walk through the mens' departments just to, excuse the expression, sniff. Like a puppy after kibbles and bits, there's nothing like  that heady feeling of expectations.

Haro, Specialized Bikes, Family Fun

             There's nothing like taking a family bike ride, and if not the whole family then just get yourself out and ride. I have a Specialized bike that my kids bought for  me when I was visiting in Nebraska. For years I told both my son and daughter how much I missed riding a bike, They both knew to some degree I shouldn't ride because of back issue so putting two heads together they decided to get my measurements and specialize the Specialized bike.
    Landing in Nebraska, my son drove me with my daughter to the BIKE WAY bike shop. All had one thing in common, bikes. Out in the parking lot I got on my bike and rode it around. What a feeling! I won't tell you just how many years it was that I rode last, but it felt like yesterday. That old saying is true;it's like riding a bike, all comes back to you. I even forgot for a while that I was being watched closely by both my son and daughter. It was a great feeling knowing my kids wanted me on a bike as much as I did, for health and happiness reasons.
   Well I have learned more about bikes, such as brands, fat tires, safety, bikes for certain terrain, small, medium, tandem and just that there are bikes for anyone, any size and any shape.
    Check out Haro, Trek, Klein, Ellsworth and of course my favorite, Specialized. My son recently bought a bike which is made for snow. It has fat tires and he does use it for other kinds of weather, but mainly loves it in snow. He has a picture of it on his face book page, McColganphoto so check it out.
    My son will be here soon with two bikes, one he'll be using in a sixty mile race in  Gettysburg this weekend and the family is going along. The dogs stay home to protect mi casa:) Don't forget, shop well before you choose the bike made just for you. It's an expense well worth while for happiness and health. Big wheels a turning...

Educate a Girl-a Ripple Effect, NIH

       Some time ago I started receiving e mails about supporting women in other countries. My attitude was, well what about the women here, same with all causes for me. I also didn't have have a way to be there but after last night, my eyes were opened wide.
        Sex Trafficking a three year-old?  I listened to Public television and did change it as it first started with grow women in another country who were prostitutes, but I kept coming back to it because suddenly in one of my clicks a child was visible. This was in Cambodia, and then Viet Nam. It was about a girl named NIH, pronounced (knee) who was one of many in these horrible life situations. Situations is an easy work compared to what it is. She hadn't yet become a sex slave although it wasn't known if her father molested here every night as it appeared. She is afraid to talk.
      Those stories hit hard, and one was a three year old, sold by her mother, raped and sold again until a women's group in Viet Nam took her in somehow. Three years old !!! What kind of monsters are these men who use babies, and women who sell their own children?
       It is known widely as sex trafficking. NIH sold lottery tickets for four American dollars a day to give to her father and if he felt giving he might give her fifty cents. Her day, her whole day was spent selling tickets and in school. Now that was and would be her ticket away from her father and brother who all slept in the same bed.
      Years ago in Cambodia, one young lady was educated by another lady and the second lady started a shelter of sorts for female children and then a school. This is the ripple effect of educating a girl. They are saving lives. They are educating one another about HIV and AIDS. One little girls mother and sister died of AIDS. The sister was only fourteen. She was sold into sex slavery.
  My eyes were opened.

Monday, October 1, 2012


       Do your kids skateboard? Check out those designs on the boards, the shoes they wear, hair styles and all the gear. Skateboarders are in a unique class all their own and I love their energy. Not crazy about tatttoos' but many people wear them, not just skaters, but simply people who like tattoos and that's what some forget.
       How many times have you heard snide remarks about the clothes, hair, tattoo's and "kind of people" they are. Well who is it that tell us all that crap? People who are jealous, that's who. Why else would they down a good sport? They forgot what it was like to be able to do that.
        When my son was a skater, I heard terms like ride the rail and many more which of course I forgot. But what I do remember is this. Family would say, look at his hair, he'll get in trouble, look at his clothes (he loved flannel shirts ) and he wore Vans as much as possible, another sign of a  kid going wrong. Boy could I tell you things about how that reversed. How many clean cut college kids go wrong. It is an individual thing !
   Judge not, lest you get punched in the face:) No I'm not violent, but how much does a parent take from all of the know-it-alls. I sure would like to see in the past of all of the judge-ees.
    Okay, back to the skaters. look what they have made of it, a televised sport. Tony Hawk for one now has his own child and is still skating at about thirty-four years old, and he's just one. So give them a chance, all of them. It's healthy, active, social, no motors and a lot of fun. By the way how many DUI's have you noticed a skater getting? Give them a break after all, we all need one.


The weasel abides.

Are You a Nagger? How to Handle it.

     I wish I had a photo for what a nagger looks like, and it isn't most women who are naggers-in my opinion that is.
    To me, nagging is almost like being a busybody. Leave people alone. The world and the lives we live are hard enough. But what do we do with naggers and how do we handle each nag? First a nag at a time. Don't go back into the past and tell who ever it is that "you always nag" because you know the comeback will be, "no I don't."
     Make a list and date each nag. Be prepared and don't waste your words. Save it for a right time. When is that you ask? When you're packing the naggers bags? No, you don't leave...why should you. So before a relationship, let your partner know how much you hate nagging that it will only push you away. So then they agree, you marry and he or she starts nagging. You have to be visual sometimes. Pack a bag, or have an empty one. Leave it by the door and when he or she comes, they stop dead in their tracks. That's a perfect reminder.
     On another note, let's use humor. Bring up people you know like Liz Taylor or some movie star. You know why she couldn't keep a husband-she nagged them out the door, or you know why so and so died, he nagged her to death, and another one is, I'd be afraid to have kids with you;we'd just have another generation of naggers, after all kids do copy.
    Let that nagging list pile up, tell her or him to write their nags down and you'll get to it when you want to, not when you're being nagged, and if the nagging continues, let the nagger know, well I'll hire someone to do the job as your birthday gift, vacation present, holiday gift, summer get away. Then you accomplish these things-it gets done, nagging stops, and you don't have to spend precious time with a nagger, and last of all when that birthday comes around or that well planned vacation, it's like taking candy from a ...nagger.