Thursday, October 4, 2012

PhotoElectric Smoke Detectors A Plus

     Have you checked your fire alarms lately, known as smoke detectors? I have too and it works. Those that many of us have are called ionized. In a home filled with smoke they also don't go off too many times. You can check it by hand, or have some smoke due to a pot on the stove burning, but when the kids are sleeping and a home is filling with smoke what do you want to have as a measure of safety?
     Please buy a photoelectric alarm. Leave the old one up if you choose. But don't wait another day.
     After viewing  a real life incident on television and a newscaster asking a tech in the government about why Government still allows those older models to be put out on shelves. The answer is the same-money.
     Four children died in one fire because the older model did not work in a real fire.
                   Remember the name Photoelectric. When you look into a family album and see the growth  of your children who survived a fire, it was because you took action and changed your fire alarm systems, Photoelectric.

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