Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Trouble With The Curve & Taken 2

       Do you know what's it's like to sit on the edge of your seat watching a movie, and feeling like you're right there? Well that's how it was tonight watching both Taken 2 and Trouble With the Curve.
     I took a teenage by with me as he was supposed to go out with someone who canceled on him, so off we went. When I arrived at the movie I wanted to go to, Frank Theatres, they were closed. In my haste to leave and having checked the time, I didn't look close enough for an exact location. So I quickly turned the car around and went to a theatre closer to me. Definitely not a Frank Theatre, but good enough and The Trouble With the Curve was playing too.
    Paying for tickets for Taken 2 I never said a word to the boy about seeing a second movie. Once inside, anxious, checking my time for the show to start I thought about my son Mike, how we always liked the same movies. Liam Neeson stared in this and other movies my son and I saw. It was Mike who called me from Nebraska to tell me, "Mom you have to see Taken!" I did and now I saw Taken 2. Packed with an unexpected twist, but so cool, I was very glad I went. Lots of action, cars smashing, faces smashed and Liam winning. Nothing like Justice.
     Finally it ended and we left to get a sandwich before home. Then I said to this kid, so ya wanna see, Trouble With The Curve? He snapped his head around, yeah!!! We went in, and the theatre was empty. It stayed that way throughout and we yelled back and forth, got up and danced and laughed. This is a movie everyone should see. It gets as many stars as a family movie can get. Clint Eastwood, still is a very good actor, and his co-stars, Justin Timberlake and the young lady who played Clint's daughter were simply very believable. I was surprised by Justin Timberlake and enjoyed his acting ability.
      This movie, The Trouble with The Curve, shows how some people really do get what they deserve and no, I won't say who and what I mean. So go, get up and go see it. You'll be glad you did. It was a good day.

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