Sunday, October 21, 2012

Obama helped Florida ? What About Chicago?

       So what about Chicago? I see continuous news about the poor shape Chicago is still since He took office.(please don't single out one area) Look I am not a political person, but lately I've found myself paying more attention. I do get a lot of Obama hate type mail and that I delete. Some I think is just plain racist and I don't care what gender or color of who is in office only that they are true Americans, do what they swore to do, keep God in this country, support all religions, not take Prayer day out but support their own on the white house lawn, on and on.
       Florida is a political powerhouse, a swing state, so is that why Obama helped them out so readily, a few times ?
        Why do we have so many gangs in Chicago, Los Angles and New York, other big cities ? Is it Education, or the lack of it, the fact that guns and drugs are so freely bought and sold. Is it the lack of jobs? It's all of them for sure. Busy people don't have time to get into trouble and usually busy people are happier and healthier people. I have a kid here who warns people, well if I can't work,(he's too young) I'll probably get in trouble and yes, he'll suffer the consequences, but so will society. It cost money to arrest, go to court, fine and house a criminal.
        But people without an education, without a self-supporting job in too many cases turn to drugs, alcohol and negative actions. They look for guns, women sell them selves, support pimps and drugs, and are sold to innocent children  and innocent children are sold. Our schools have police walking the halls !!! What in Gods name is wrong with this ?
     Well Obama and anyone else, as you see society has worsened and no, I am not blaming it all on Obama. It takes time to have the society we now have and just maybe if we have a new president in office, one whose spiritual views are, well, just are, we may bring God back. Then again maybe we need a mom in office? Who will protect our children?

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