Thursday, October 11, 2012

Justin"grab his Crotch" Bieber

      No, I am not being a hater as people may think. But I just saw a clip of the Bieber boy doing a dance and grabbing his crotch. It wasn't like some crotch grabbers where they reach down and slide a hand near their pencils.
   Honestly I hoped and thought, even prayed the crotch grabbers would finally know what's there. Usually grabbing their pied piper starts and ends in babytime, errupts again in the private teens time years.
   Doesn't anyone say anything and why is it the thing to do, or grab I should ask? When will it stop? Maybe biology was a missed class, or a failed class since so many have turned to searching for that middle line. I suggest on their next physical check-ups, doctors give a road map to the little pecker-heads. No pun intended. Role Models they are not and I don't mean to pick on or single out the Bieber kid as many oldsters do the same. Justin does seem to be a nice kid, with a lot of fame and money. I just wish he'd get diaper rash or something so he stops that greedy grabbing. Time to change channels..uh oh, there he is again. Boy that kid is popular.

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