Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Soaps? Colognes? What's you favorite? Tell me

     Well in a few more hours my son will be here with his baby boy and baby's new haircut, a Mohawk. In the past so many years I have become more aware about the environment, what I bring in and what I throw out. This brings me to soap. One soap favorite I always used was IVORY. Maybe because it was a childhood brand. It did make my skin feel very tight and now at this age I am loading up on it. Hey ,a cheap face lift?
     So off and on I have house guests of the male persuasion. They all like different brands. Since most are young teens they seem to prefer, AXE. AXE in everything, cologne, soap, body wash, and what ever else AXE produces. It does smell very nice.
      More recently a kid asked me about Old SPICE! Wow! That is old-Old Spice, but some older names appear to be coming back. The fragrance lingers longer-now I own that phrase...got it.  If not go get it. It also doesn't cost half of your pay check.  Check out ENGLISH LEATHER or Brut along with all of the Old Spice selections. Drakar is also a very nice one with Obsession for men.

     I used to(still do) love to walk through the mens' departments just to, excuse the expression, sniff. Like a puppy after kibbles and bits, there's nothing like  that heady feeling of expectations.

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