Thursday, October 11, 2012

Larry Hagman 81, a Vegan? Cancer saving effects

   Okay I have to report this. Not one for usually believing what I hear but I have been on this since, well a long time. Larry Hagman who many won't know, but many will had throat cancer ten years ago. Linda Gray his co-star  on Dallas,  an old TV show came to his aid right away. Practically sitting on him she changed his life and probably saved it until when, we don't yet know as he is alive and doing great.
   Linda Gray started making Vegan shakes, and Larry drank them. He stated what else can you do when you can't eat? You can drink and drink he did. He gives all the credit to a vegan way of life and of course Linda Gray who brought this to him. He is now battling cancer again. I didn't hear if he went off the vegan life or what the complete story was, but can imagine he did go off it as he then said, Linda is here again and I know what I'll be drinking, now hoping for another thirteen years of life. Good Vegan heath to you Larry !

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