Friday, October 12, 2012

Cheese, a Moments Pleasure according to..

            Let me tell you about cheese. I love it, but I've decided to cut down. Either way tonight I saw a pizza commercial with this kiddo here and he decides to make a big deal out of how cheese is just an emotion for the moment, that you eat it and it feels good and then whoosh goes away.
      Well I went into a big thing about how he and I, on a spur of the moment went out to a convenient store so I could treat him to chips and ice cream. I also bought chocolate milk earlier in the day for the both of us. I'm learning, that I am still learning he just can't be pleased. For me the cheese, well in this case ice cream and chips was more about eating , it was about the unexpected excitement in telling a kid, hey let's go pick up some snacks, the cold air, an unexpected ride at eight-thirty, joking with the store clerk, and me, I bought Swedish fish.
    Yet he went on with what appeared to be an argument about a moments pleasure then it's all gone no matter how I presented it. Finally I said, well then it just isn't worth it if this is what you not only get out of it, but turn around and give back, a discussion about, only a moments pleasure. I  then went and finished off the chocolate milk for another moments pleasure and looking forward to the morning when he will ask for more chocolate milk. My pleasure will have continued as I see his face when I tell him, nah, I hate to tease you with just a moments pleasure, after all that is how you see it, right?

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