Monday, October 8, 2012

A Baby's Natural Life, all smiles.

      This last week spent with my son has been wonderful.  I've noticed how he feeds his eighteen month old son, as well as his wife and he both eat as natural with foods and beverages as possible.
      This is a baby who loves broccoli, oatmeal, and all things without sugars and artificial foods and or colors, and absolutely no additives. He is also a breastfed baby. Without mom here for a few days and traveling  a two day drive, he drinks almond milk and dad has packed as many natural food snacks for the both of them. I'm all for it. When I was introduced to Forks over knives, I did great and felt emotionally better, all around happier. My sleep and my attitude both changed for the better. With a few changes, stressors I went back to my old eating habits, gained back six or seven pounds, but am now back on a Plant based way of eating.
     Something else changed this week, visits to the park. That little baby boy and his dad love the park. Now here I am going along and not having walked a lot in a very long time, much less hike, we covered it all and more which will be in my next blog about the Iron Cross race in Pa. which can be viewed on/at
     Walking through trails the little guy stopped, touched plants, felt mud, touched rocks, picked up sticks, splashed in water , not meant for that in this weather but his shoes kept him dry, and it was happiness written all over his face, in his eyes and the warm hugs and smiles he gave everyone.
     After this week, I see why this baby is so very happy. He is truly the happiest baby I ever saw and not because I'm his grandmother, but because his happiness spreads like sunshine. He eats natural foods, is breastfed, gets a lot of outdoor time in parks and get this, he rides his Specialized Hotwalk bike! bought at It's a two wheel, no seat for now, does not have training wheels, so he actually puts on a helmet and gets on by himself and walks it. He knows what this bike is meant for as he's been on it many times. With that, he gets in a baby buggy type-thing attached to his dad's bike and they go out just about every day for a ride, a Bike way life.
    Now if that isn't a good life, a happier and healthier life, then the rest of us are completely lost.

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