Thursday, October 18, 2012

Obama, Biden Lied about Lybia !

     You can't fool all the people all of the time, unless you are a die hard Democrat with blinders on. Some on Bidens' team are saying Obama didn't know because he wasn't in touch with security. That is crap! Pure dirty crap !
   Bob Cooper a congressman from Tennessee spoke about this today, stated Obama is riding on getting Bin laden. But why is it he did not protect our embassy where four people were killed and one was dragged through the streets.
   Even within five days it was confirmed that this was not a sudden protest or because people were mad about a film against Muslims, but it WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK!!! Yet Obama still denies, still lies as does his smiling partner Biden.
    How does Obama get away with it? The same way Clinton got away with defiling the white house with Monica? How does Biden get away with it? I guess they can pardon one another, but pardon me Mr. President, I hope the American people don't pardon you, wake up and make to sure to Vote for anyone else on election day, before an attack on the American Embassies all over are attacked  and you didn't hear from security-again. No excuses everyone; what if that was your son or daughter in that Embassy?

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