Monday, October 29, 2012

Are you on-line? HELP, not me

     Help those who can't be or get on line. Help those who don't have cell phones or can't charge them with a car charger. I've heard so much the past few days where news type people are telling the citizen to check blah blah blah dot com, but not everyone is on line ! Not everyone is wireless! Not everyone has a cell phone !
    I can take care of myself and prepare well, but I think about those who can't. People all over are being told to evacuate. But where do they go when they don't have either family, money, a car or a way to get to the centers. Mass transit is shut-down in many places, so what do those people do who are, have become dependent on taking a train or a bus. Not everyone is looking out for those who don't have the necessities to look out for themselves. So knock on doors, Make yourself available but keep safe doing it.
   Yesterday a kid here asked me, would I help the people next door. He actually wasn't talking about the neighbors who over the years constantly encroach on my property, but the nicer people who take immaculate care of their property but have shown something of  a stern attitude when kids trespass or pick things from their property. Well he got a big yes from me, and  I would if needed help the not so nice people, because there but for the Grace of God.....Do what you can.
Stay safe.

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