Friday, October 12, 2012

Who IS Melvin ?

        A couple of days ago my foster son came home, went outside quickly to use his PS Vita, then came back in to ask about going to his friends house. "What friend", I asked. Well he told me, Melvin. I started thinking, who was this Melvin kid ? I don't remember hearing his name, so as I scrambled my thoughts on names of his friends, he went to and came out of his room, winter jacket, hockey stick and a smile ready to go out. Again he asked, "so can I go?"
Well where does he live, and the kiddo answered as he pointed at the same time, right across the road in that yellow house.
      Again I was thinking about the family in the yellow house. I knew them and as he suggested he wanted to play basketball, I knew they had a basketball hoop and one of the boys had Downs syndrome, but I couldn't remember either his name or his older brother's. So I just said well okay, but be careful crossing the road. He couldn't hold it in any longer. "There is no Melvin, I just made it up", he said.  He enjoys doing this and I told him then, I will get you back for that, always testing me.
      Later That night I e-mailed the school and asked if when my kid went to the bathroom the instructor could prep the other kids who are few, to welcome the new student, Melvin, when he returns-from the bathroom. Then I called the guidance counselor, left a message explaining and could she call him Melvin.
   Well the results were this : The male teacher who is a kind of specific instructor only said to him, so what's with this Melvin stuff? What a duh he is ! Now the guidance counselor passed him in the hall and said, hi Melvin. He did a quick neck breaking turn of his head. YEA for guidance counselors ! That other guy, the one is specialized? No life in him at all. Life is short have some fun. Melvin left for school happy this morning. More on Melvin later.

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