Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Lone Bike Rider-Patience Please

One Road, One Lone Rider

                                                                 After an  appointment today I ended up on a country road close to home and then I noticed the fast pedal of a rider. As I inched closer I saw the bent over shape that I became familiar with. I am fairly certain the rider was a he, but never sure. All riders look alike to me with the exception of my son Mike. I could pick him out in the middle of New York.
      This rider wore Yellow with a few black markings and in the sunlight, his suit of armor stood out. A helmet, sturdy to protect his head, was white with blue and black stripes. He turned and considering we both had sunglasses on, an understanding, a connection if you will, was made. My car leaned to the left as I gave him enough space of safety since he turned to look at my oncoming car. I felt a sense of things being right as I watched him disappear in my rear view mirror.
      When I got home, I went to my room where I house my Specialized bike, a gift from my kids to help restore my youth, and health of course. I dusted off the seat, then checked out my carrier straps. I made a promise alone with my bike. Prioritize better. Get back on my bike and feel the wind. It won't matter how fast or slow I go. My bike will know; I'm back in the saddle, so will my mind.
        I remembered too how I bragged about starting a plant based way of life, how great I felt and it wasn't just a loss of weight but emotionally I felt as if not only did things not bother me as before, but my attitude changed. Then I stopped both, used carpel tunnel and rotator cuff issues as an excuse. There was another factor; I was dealing with a teen who left me feeling lifeless, and I changed. Instead of keeping the focus on my health, I kept it on his. That didn't work as I then became home bound, somewhat depressed, and left without motivation. He has moved as was his pattern and now I am back to being me.
      But it took my son's bike race, reminders of how his eating habits changed, his weight loss, his baby boy on his Strider Hot Walk, and todays' one Lone Rider. The next time you see a group of riders or one lone rider, have patience please, after all he or she is doing what you probably can't or won't and changing the ozone at the same time. Talk about re-cycle. It isn't made any more clear than that.


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