Thursday, October 11, 2012

Now You Know, Kids, Education and Home

       Short sleeves in this weather? Yes, that how both my son and myself went out one day as his wife asked her husband, don't you want a jacket? He said, "no and look at my mom, now you know where I get it from." But the fact is we are both bigger sized people and aren't affected by the cold as much as many others, at least not yet.
        It was great having them here and time with my son is rare now since he lives so far away. We have quite a bit in common and education  as well as well behaved children are just two of our bonds. Having a foster son, my son talks to him about education. Traditional school is not liked by many kids, so now we have computers and kids doing classroom work at home. Good?
       I guess we won't know until all of the results are is. Other questions to be asked is, do these kids get enough socialization and to them does it even matter?
Would we put teachers out of work? No. What they do in a building can be done in their own building, called home. It does however save the environment, as in gas. It saves time, wear and tear on a vehicle and we don't have to worry about snow! Yea, snow ! I love the winter. Well sorry folks this will be continued later as I have an appointment, but we will talk. Please take a few moments to see my other blog if you haven't already... subjects important to me at...   P.S. I know some teachers who would love to work at home. Wouldn't you ?

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