Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Door Repair Held Ron Myrnes 717-887-4219

       Good Morning after the storm. Just a short note which I knows appears to be of no significance when we are aware of the destruction all around us, mainly the East Coast. However I wanted to pass along to local people this man's name  his number and the kind of work he does, yes again. You know how it is; When there is something good, or someone good you want to share, pass along the good news. Well Ron repaired a front steel door so the wind no longer blows through. I have had a few people who when here said, you'll have to get a new door, and a whole lot more. Yes, just looking for a huge payout. I can't afford that, and was very fortunate to find Ron Myrnes. He works with my time and budget and I am so grateful.
     With the winds we had the past few days, I was waiting for some part to be loosened, but nope, nothing. tight and sealed wind zone free. Now that's the kind of home repair guy you want. He is on your side, not a corporation, but just one man. 717-887-4219

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