Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Underarmour Clothing, Worth it?

      I was thinking about clothes over the weekend and did talk to my son about it. As a guy who races bikes and more, in all kinds of weather I remembered he told me about some specific type of protective clothing he wears. Yes, It called Under armour. He not only races, but bikes just about every day and any chance he gets. So he told me about certain socks which I just don't remember now. Well I brought up the fact that a young guy in my home now tells me he only wears under armour clothes. As a child in care who has a monthly clothing allowance, my answer was a simple okay.
      Little did I know. I listened as he told me about the cost and then fell through the floor. I am not a person who spends a lot on clothing or footwear so this was a culture shock. Again I went to my son. He raced this past weekend and then showed me; Mom, look this is what I have on now, under armour. It will keep me warm and dry and it breathes. He gave me a good talk, full of information and a new outlook.
underarmour.com  the company also has outlets and that where I'll be buying this kiddo here his new clothes. He wears them to school,  during play and sports, matches all items from top to bottom and he takes good care of them too. As much as he protects them, they protect him, a product worth the price.

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